Thursday, February 1, 2007

New York citizens gossip about Hillary

It is an interesting and unexpected bonus to live in New York, home of the would-be candidate Hillary Clinton because you get to talk to people who know things. Things in Senator Clinton's past she would rather you wouldn't know about but are certainly pertinent to one who aspires to this country's highest office. I rather hesitated to "gossip" as I would prefer to follow the example of civility that Senator Obama embraces.

However, when you come upon information that is important for voters to know you need to decide whether or not it is wise to "out" the candidate.

I just read a very long article on Hillary Clinton's choice for campaign staff, in particular Howard Wolfson and how he ever so skillfully managed to bury the misteps of Mrs. Clinton during her first campaign for the Senate in New York. I found the following passage quite informational:

"She was "banned" by Crown Heights' ultra-orthodox Jewish council for reaching out to ex-Mayor David Dinkins, who was disliked for the way he'd handled the Crown Heights black/Jewish riots. In the fall of 1999, her stock sunk even lower with Jews when, on an official White House trip to the West Bank of Israel, she embraced Suha Arafat, right after Arafat's wife charged in a speech that Israel was poisoning Palestinian children. There was more: President Clinton's offer of clemency to Puerto Rican nationalists was seen as a sop to his wife; then there was an allegation of an anti-Semitic slur. And this past fall, the campaign twice embarrassed itself, obtaining 1,400 names from a White House visitors list and accepting money from a Muslim group advocating armed force against Israel"

All of the above was skillfully handled by the staff member know to Mrs. Clinton as "Wolfie".
Here is the article

Now of course, every single aspect of Senator Obama's staff and campaign will be closely examined by the Blitz force of the Hillary Machine in the form of Howard Wolfson, and I am quite sure he is prepared for it.

Hillary is also making overtures to Andrew Coumo, Jr. for his support. If he is smart, I think he better think twice before becoming entangled in her MACHINE, and a machine it is. But this machine has a huge weakness, and that is ASSUMMING. And you know the phrase that applies to the word ASSUME. Hillary makes the assumption, that due to her husband's close ties within the Black community, he will deliver that voting block to her, wrapped up in a nice ribbon come primary time. Hillary, I have some very interesting news for you.

You see we are doing our homework. Being based in New York, we are out there already, speaking to the leaders of black communities, asking questions, taking polls, and we are finding they are reserving their decision because they want to know more about Barack Obama, and you just may lose that block of votes as we begin to inform the black communities and they get to know the candiate Senator Obama, as they are going to like what they see. We did discover one thing, they deeply resent your assumption that since former President Clinton enjoyed a wonderful rapport with the Black community and they voted for him in huge numbers, some saying he was the first Black President that they would OF COURSE vote for you. They resent the fact that so early on you are assumming you have their votes already. They don't appreciate you using their votes, then going back to your white elite "enclave" staying far away from the poor black neighborhoods, the underserved, and voters that are used for your gain rather than showing true concern for the issues they face on a daily basis. They resent the fact you spent $50 million to ensure your launching pad of a Senate seat, only to abandon the very office you were voted into practically a couple months after you were re-elected. So you really didn't want to be a Senator? Then why spend $50 million dollars to be one? If you REALLY wanted the office you committed to when you ran for it, then you would stay and do the job you were hired to do for the people of the State of New York. Wasting at least 40 million of those dollars you didn't need to spend also shows the citizens that you are willing to pay ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for your own gain.

These are some of thoughts of the common citizen we speak with on a daily basis. Let the REAL Hillary Clinton stand up please?

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