TOMORROW!!! What an exciting day with Senator Obama's announcement. You will be able to watch it live streaming on the net if you can't be there!
We will be moving our blog to his site at that time. We are truly excited to be involved and can't wait to launch our brand new blog. Let the excitement begin!
Friday, February 9, 2007
Sunday, February 4, 2007
I just read an article "Can a past of Islam change the path to president for Obama?" on a Blog and at times found myself frustrated, angry, interested, the entire range of emotion you might find in one who supports Senator Obama for President. It is interesting to me that Senator Obama is the ONLY candidate that the "pundits" "bloggers" and mainstream media seem to lend focus to his religion, as if this defines the man and his personal beliefs and how he conducts his life. I see no one writing about Senator Clinton's, religion, or how many times she goes to church, or how what church she attends affects her political agenda. No, this seems to be a specific focus on one candidate, and this is what I object too.
I live in the suburbs of New York City, the melting pot of all nationalities, of all religions and have found and met some wonderful people of ALL religions. I'd like to relay just one story for you.
I used to have a neighbor at the last location where I lived. He was around 60 but looked older due to his long battle with several illnesses. Perhaps some of these illnesses were brought about by his long time service to our country in the Army. He served well and honorably. He had difficulty walking, and did not own a car as he was living just on Disability which was really not enough to live one due to the fact he did not have the years of "work credit" which is used to figure the amount you would receive on Disability. The only thing he got for free was his medication at the local VA hospital, which since, due to cuts by the Federal Government, has moved most of it's services to a VA hospital quite a distance away from, making it difficult for him to make the trip to visit doctors and get his medications. Usually twice a month, I would drive to 2 local outreach programs, and picked up a box of food from each and drove it to his house as it would be impossible for this proud ex-soldier to walk the distance to these outreach centers and then carry the heavy boxes home.
It might interest you to know that I am a White American and he is a Black American. Such a kind, most peace loving man I have ever met, and he was a practicing MUSLIM. There are millions of Black Americans who practice the Muslim faith, in fact it is also taught in prisons. Why? Because the ACTUAL KORAN teaches peace and non-violence for to do an act of violence against another human being is a sin in the Muslim religion. I am a born and raised Baptist, and I was curious about his faith. I fondly remember many discussions we had on the differences between our faiths and although much different in fact in most instances, I found to my surprise some common ground between the two. I found that the Muslim Americans are a kind, peace loving, kind group of people. They hurt deeply when their religion is used as a weapon and "bastardized" to further the goals of terrorists, for that most certainly is not what these kind Muslim Americans are all about.
I use a Dry Cleaners that is owned and run by a Muslim family in the same town and attached to their business is the place where they hold their Muslim services. It truly saddens me to see the look on the faces of the women who wait on me. It is almost as if they are waiting for me to abuse them verbally for their "garb" and their religion. They are just an American family, who happen to be Muslims, trying to live their American dream, just like you and I, yet I see the fear in their eyes today and it saddens me.
Which brings me to my reaction to the focus of many on the 2 years Senator Obama spent in a "supposed Muslim school", which has been proven false, and the fact his natural father, grandmother and grandfather were Muslims. So what? Does this really have any bearing on the qualities of Senator Obama? He has said he also recognizes the racism against Muslim Americans, but that does not mean he is a Muslim. And since when, in America, do you have to be a certain faith to be President? I have read the constitution, have you? It does not ever state only candidates of certain faiths may run for President, or you would not have had our great President Kennedy, a catholic. I can make the same case, to be fair, about the Republican possible candidate, Mitt Romney, a Morman. Religious faith has no bearing on the quality of a candiate.
We should focus on the issues, the candidates and where we are going in America, not on the religious backgrounds of candidates, for to do so goes against everything America stands for. What if we had a Chinese American, a Latino American, a Korean American run for President? Would you also condemn them for their religion and not focus on their ability to be an effective President?
I read in this blog, mentioned above discussion on the pastor of Senator Obama's church. Exactly what bearing does a pastor who happens to preach at the church Senator Obama attends have on Senator Obama's qualities, and outlook for the future of America? Condemning the pastor, condemns the parishioner? I think not. If that were the case, you could then condemn the thousands of parishioners of the nationally known pastor who resigned in disgrace for bringing shame by his behavior on his church, whose name I will not mention here as to do so furthers the condemnation of his congregation, christians who try to live a christian life, as do Muslims trying to live by their principles, peacefully in a country increasingly hostile to them.
The terrorists in Iraq, and other countries, who claim their religion as Muslim only serves to blacken the names of the decent American citizens who are Muslim, who live in peace and unity, focusing on family and working hard, practicing their faith and suffering from racist christians who would condemn them for the acts of those who go against everything the Muslim religion stands for.
Senator Obama is a Christian, who HAPPENS, to have a mixed background of Muslim, Atheist, and Christian. But it his choice to choose his religion and is is a Christian one, but I for one care less what religion he chooses to practice, rather I care about how he will help our country regain the promise it has, helping the poor and the elderly, children, and focusing on providing a better Global image than we now enjoy. Our failure to engage other countries in our goals has suffered greatly under the watch of President Bush and it is time to regain the respect we used to enjoy in the Global community. Senator Obama has the qualities to do just that.
So I ask, what difference does it make that Senator Obama had a Muslim natual father who he had no association with most of his life? It really is a non-issue. This entire thing started with a piece in a magazine, a magazine owned by a close friend of the Clinton's, so make your own conclusion here.
As for me, I think I will keep my friends who are Muslim, for they are a joy to know, and my Jewish friends, my Protestant friends, my Born Again friends, and my Baptist friends. We are ALL Americans and I won't give up a friend because they practice a different religion. God forbid if a Jewish American wanted to run for President. I can see the outcry now in the deeply religious South, and from most Americans. Therefore, there could very well be an extremely promising young politician, who is Jewish, who knows in his heart he could never aspire to be President as he would suffer the same issues that are ascribed to Senator Obama. Being an American with great qualities doesn't count? You prefer to focus on the religion of your target rather than their quality? That is NOT what being an American is about. So look into your hearts and examine this issue.
As Senator Obama has said in his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention, "we are not a Black America, We are not a White America, nor a Latino America, we are ALL Americans."
I live in the suburbs of New York City, the melting pot of all nationalities, of all religions and have found and met some wonderful people of ALL religions. I'd like to relay just one story for you.
I used to have a neighbor at the last location where I lived. He was around 60 but looked older due to his long battle with several illnesses. Perhaps some of these illnesses were brought about by his long time service to our country in the Army. He served well and honorably. He had difficulty walking, and did not own a car as he was living just on Disability which was really not enough to live one due to the fact he did not have the years of "work credit" which is used to figure the amount you would receive on Disability. The only thing he got for free was his medication at the local VA hospital, which since, due to cuts by the Federal Government, has moved most of it's services to a VA hospital quite a distance away from, making it difficult for him to make the trip to visit doctors and get his medications. Usually twice a month, I would drive to 2 local outreach programs, and picked up a box of food from each and drove it to his house as it would be impossible for this proud ex-soldier to walk the distance to these outreach centers and then carry the heavy boxes home.
It might interest you to know that I am a White American and he is a Black American. Such a kind, most peace loving man I have ever met, and he was a practicing MUSLIM. There are millions of Black Americans who practice the Muslim faith, in fact it is also taught in prisons. Why? Because the ACTUAL KORAN teaches peace and non-violence for to do an act of violence against another human being is a sin in the Muslim religion. I am a born and raised Baptist, and I was curious about his faith. I fondly remember many discussions we had on the differences between our faiths and although much different in fact in most instances, I found to my surprise some common ground between the two. I found that the Muslim Americans are a kind, peace loving, kind group of people. They hurt deeply when their religion is used as a weapon and "bastardized" to further the goals of terrorists, for that most certainly is not what these kind Muslim Americans are all about.
I use a Dry Cleaners that is owned and run by a Muslim family in the same town and attached to their business is the place where they hold their Muslim services. It truly saddens me to see the look on the faces of the women who wait on me. It is almost as if they are waiting for me to abuse them verbally for their "garb" and their religion. They are just an American family, who happen to be Muslims, trying to live their American dream, just like you and I, yet I see the fear in their eyes today and it saddens me.
Which brings me to my reaction to the focus of many on the 2 years Senator Obama spent in a "supposed Muslim school", which has been proven false, and the fact his natural father, grandmother and grandfather were Muslims. So what? Does this really have any bearing on the qualities of Senator Obama? He has said he also recognizes the racism against Muslim Americans, but that does not mean he is a Muslim. And since when, in America, do you have to be a certain faith to be President? I have read the constitution, have you? It does not ever state only candidates of certain faiths may run for President, or you would not have had our great President Kennedy, a catholic. I can make the same case, to be fair, about the Republican possible candidate, Mitt Romney, a Morman. Religious faith has no bearing on the quality of a candiate.
We should focus on the issues, the candidates and where we are going in America, not on the religious backgrounds of candidates, for to do so goes against everything America stands for. What if we had a Chinese American, a Latino American, a Korean American run for President? Would you also condemn them for their religion and not focus on their ability to be an effective President?
I read in this blog, mentioned above discussion on the pastor of Senator Obama's church. Exactly what bearing does a pastor who happens to preach at the church Senator Obama attends have on Senator Obama's qualities, and outlook for the future of America? Condemning the pastor, condemns the parishioner? I think not. If that were the case, you could then condemn the thousands of parishioners of the nationally known pastor who resigned in disgrace for bringing shame by his behavior on his church, whose name I will not mention here as to do so furthers the condemnation of his congregation, christians who try to live a christian life, as do Muslims trying to live by their principles, peacefully in a country increasingly hostile to them.
The terrorists in Iraq, and other countries, who claim their religion as Muslim only serves to blacken the names of the decent American citizens who are Muslim, who live in peace and unity, focusing on family and working hard, practicing their faith and suffering from racist christians who would condemn them for the acts of those who go against everything the Muslim religion stands for.
Senator Obama is a Christian, who HAPPENS, to have a mixed background of Muslim, Atheist, and Christian. But it his choice to choose his religion and is is a Christian one, but I for one care less what religion he chooses to practice, rather I care about how he will help our country regain the promise it has, helping the poor and the elderly, children, and focusing on providing a better Global image than we now enjoy. Our failure to engage other countries in our goals has suffered greatly under the watch of President Bush and it is time to regain the respect we used to enjoy in the Global community. Senator Obama has the qualities to do just that.
So I ask, what difference does it make that Senator Obama had a Muslim natual father who he had no association with most of his life? It really is a non-issue. This entire thing started with a piece in a magazine, a magazine owned by a close friend of the Clinton's, so make your own conclusion here.
As for me, I think I will keep my friends who are Muslim, for they are a joy to know, and my Jewish friends, my Protestant friends, my Born Again friends, and my Baptist friends. We are ALL Americans and I won't give up a friend because they practice a different religion. God forbid if a Jewish American wanted to run for President. I can see the outcry now in the deeply religious South, and from most Americans. Therefore, there could very well be an extremely promising young politician, who is Jewish, who knows in his heart he could never aspire to be President as he would suffer the same issues that are ascribed to Senator Obama. Being an American with great qualities doesn't count? You prefer to focus on the religion of your target rather than their quality? That is NOT what being an American is about. So look into your hearts and examine this issue.
As Senator Obama has said in his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention, "we are not a Black America, We are not a White America, nor a Latino America, we are ALL Americans."
Thursday, February 1, 2007
NYC Latino Community Thows support behind Barack Obama
Bronx politicians today have come out in support of Senator Obama and are scheduling an event on his behalf. Senator Clinton had been relying on the support of the Latino community for their voting block, but community leaders are dissatisfied with her "lip service" to gain votes, but does not sit down with them and discuss their needs or issues, rather Senator Obama has done so, engaging them in discussions on where their needs lie, and incorporates their needs into his overall platform. Here is the article.
As I have stated many times in this blog, this New York resident and our website team have spoken with many minority communities, and they all echo what is said in the article. Senator Clinton pays attention, or calls on them, when votes are needed, but is not to be seen or heard from when votes are not needed. This I see is a serioius flaw; Senator Clinton's taking advantage of minority communities to gain votes, but does not seriously comtemplate their needs, or act on them. Lacking a more viable candiate, and the spending of $50 million to ensure a platform to launch her Presidential bid, these communities put their votes behind her to ensure a Democratic victory, but given the choice of a more viable candidate, Senator Clinton would have been in trouble this past election for her "supposed" base support of minority communities in New York State is "soft" and ripe for a more "tuned in" candidate such as Senator Obama.
As I have stated many times in this blog, this New York resident and our website team have spoken with many minority communities, and they all echo what is said in the article. Senator Clinton pays attention, or calls on them, when votes are needed, but is not to be seen or heard from when votes are not needed. This I see is a serioius flaw; Senator Clinton's taking advantage of minority communities to gain votes, but does not seriously comtemplate their needs, or act on them. Lacking a more viable candiate, and the spending of $50 million to ensure a platform to launch her Presidential bid, these communities put their votes behind her to ensure a Democratic victory, but given the choice of a more viable candidate, Senator Clinton would have been in trouble this past election for her "supposed" base support of minority communities in New York State is "soft" and ripe for a more "tuned in" candidate such as Senator Obama.
New York citizens gossip about Hillary
It is an interesting and unexpected bonus to live in New York, home of the would-be candidate Hillary Clinton because you get to talk to people who know things. Things in Senator Clinton's past she would rather you wouldn't know about but are certainly pertinent to one who aspires to this country's highest office. I rather hesitated to "gossip" as I would prefer to follow the example of civility that Senator Obama embraces.
However, when you come upon information that is important for voters to know you need to decide whether or not it is wise to "out" the candidate.
I just read a very long article on Hillary Clinton's choice for campaign staff, in particular Howard Wolfson and how he ever so skillfully managed to bury the misteps of Mrs. Clinton during her first campaign for the Senate in New York. I found the following passage quite informational:
"She was "banned" by Crown Heights' ultra-orthodox Jewish council for reaching out to ex-Mayor David Dinkins, who was disliked for the way he'd handled the Crown Heights black/Jewish riots. In the fall of 1999, her stock sunk even lower with Jews when, on an official White House trip to the West Bank of Israel, she embraced Suha Arafat, right after Arafat's wife charged in a speech that Israel was poisoning Palestinian children. There was more: President Clinton's offer of clemency to Puerto Rican nationalists was seen as a sop to his wife; then there was an allegation of an anti-Semitic slur. And this past fall, the campaign twice embarrassed itself, obtaining 1,400 names from a White House visitors list and accepting money from a Muslim group advocating armed force against Israel"
All of the above was skillfully handled by the staff member know to Mrs. Clinton as "Wolfie".
Here is the article
Now of course, every single aspect of Senator Obama's staff and campaign will be closely examined by the Blitz force of the Hillary Machine in the form of Howard Wolfson, and I am quite sure he is prepared for it.
Hillary is also making overtures to Andrew Coumo, Jr. for his support. If he is smart, I think he better think twice before becoming entangled in her MACHINE, and a machine it is. But this machine has a huge weakness, and that is ASSUMMING. And you know the phrase that applies to the word ASSUME. Hillary makes the assumption, that due to her husband's close ties within the Black community, he will deliver that voting block to her, wrapped up in a nice ribbon come primary time. Hillary, I have some very interesting news for you.
You see we are doing our homework. Being based in New York, we are out there already, speaking to the leaders of black communities, asking questions, taking polls, and we are finding they are reserving their decision because they want to know more about Barack Obama, and you just may lose that block of votes as we begin to inform the black communities and they get to know the candiate Senator Obama, as they are going to like what they see. We did discover one thing, they deeply resent your assumption that since former President Clinton enjoyed a wonderful rapport with the Black community and they voted for him in huge numbers, some saying he was the first Black President that they would OF COURSE vote for you. They resent the fact that so early on you are assumming you have their votes already. They don't appreciate you using their votes, then going back to your white elite "enclave" staying far away from the poor black neighborhoods, the underserved, and voters that are used for your gain rather than showing true concern for the issues they face on a daily basis. They resent the fact you spent $50 million to ensure your launching pad of a Senate seat, only to abandon the very office you were voted into practically a couple months after you were re-elected. So you really didn't want to be a Senator? Then why spend $50 million dollars to be one? If you REALLY wanted the office you committed to when you ran for it, then you would stay and do the job you were hired to do for the people of the State of New York. Wasting at least 40 million of those dollars you didn't need to spend also shows the citizens that you are willing to pay ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for your own gain.
These are some of thoughts of the common citizen we speak with on a daily basis. Let the REAL Hillary Clinton stand up please?
However, when you come upon information that is important for voters to know you need to decide whether or not it is wise to "out" the candidate.
I just read a very long article on Hillary Clinton's choice for campaign staff, in particular Howard Wolfson and how he ever so skillfully managed to bury the misteps of Mrs. Clinton during her first campaign for the Senate in New York. I found the following passage quite informational:
"She was "banned" by Crown Heights' ultra-orthodox Jewish council for reaching out to ex-Mayor David Dinkins, who was disliked for the way he'd handled the Crown Heights black/Jewish riots. In the fall of 1999, her stock sunk even lower with Jews when, on an official White House trip to the West Bank of Israel, she embraced Suha Arafat, right after Arafat's wife charged in a speech that Israel was poisoning Palestinian children. There was more: President Clinton's offer of clemency to Puerto Rican nationalists was seen as a sop to his wife; then there was an allegation of an anti-Semitic slur. And this past fall, the campaign twice embarrassed itself, obtaining 1,400 names from a White House visitors list and accepting money from a Muslim group advocating armed force against Israel"
All of the above was skillfully handled by the staff member know to Mrs. Clinton as "Wolfie".
Here is the article
Now of course, every single aspect of Senator Obama's staff and campaign will be closely examined by the Blitz force of the Hillary Machine in the form of Howard Wolfson, and I am quite sure he is prepared for it.
Hillary is also making overtures to Andrew Coumo, Jr. for his support. If he is smart, I think he better think twice before becoming entangled in her MACHINE, and a machine it is. But this machine has a huge weakness, and that is ASSUMMING. And you know the phrase that applies to the word ASSUME. Hillary makes the assumption, that due to her husband's close ties within the Black community, he will deliver that voting block to her, wrapped up in a nice ribbon come primary time. Hillary, I have some very interesting news for you.
You see we are doing our homework. Being based in New York, we are out there already, speaking to the leaders of black communities, asking questions, taking polls, and we are finding they are reserving their decision because they want to know more about Barack Obama, and you just may lose that block of votes as we begin to inform the black communities and they get to know the candiate Senator Obama, as they are going to like what they see. We did discover one thing, they deeply resent your assumption that since former President Clinton enjoyed a wonderful rapport with the Black community and they voted for him in huge numbers, some saying he was the first Black President that they would OF COURSE vote for you. They resent the fact that so early on you are assumming you have their votes already. They don't appreciate you using their votes, then going back to your white elite "enclave" staying far away from the poor black neighborhoods, the underserved, and voters that are used for your gain rather than showing true concern for the issues they face on a daily basis. They resent the fact you spent $50 million to ensure your launching pad of a Senate seat, only to abandon the very office you were voted into practically a couple months after you were re-elected. So you really didn't want to be a Senator? Then why spend $50 million dollars to be one? If you REALLY wanted the office you committed to when you ran for it, then you would stay and do the job you were hired to do for the people of the State of New York. Wasting at least 40 million of those dollars you didn't need to spend also shows the citizens that you are willing to pay ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for your own gain.
These are some of thoughts of the common citizen we speak with on a daily basis. Let the REAL Hillary Clinton stand up please?
Black voting not so fast,

I read a couple Blog articles today and some news reports regarding the fact that it appears that Senator Obama is "freezing" out Fox Reporters - See article
I am not at all surprised. Anything he would say to them would be "twisted" to report the way they want to in a negative light, yet Fox News claims that it is Senator Obama's peril not to engage in interviews with their reporters. Now, can someone explain to me just why Senator Obama should be eager to give interviews to Fox News reporters when it was THEY who proclaimed the FALSE report without doing one minute of actual research about Senator Obama's school at the age of 7 years old, hinting that he went to a "terrorist leaning" grade school? This writer does not blame Senator one bit for failing to engage Fox reporters in interviews or conversation. In fact I agree with the writer of the above linked article, that he is better off without Fox News.
I sit here today and picture the staff at Fox News appointing a staff of reporters in a "War Room" totally devoted to find SOMETHING, ANYTHING that they can use to put out as fact that would be a negative report about Senator Obama.
For those not in the know, being from New York I can tell you that the original writer of the piece on Senator Obama's school which was false, as proven by the research done by CNN, happens to be a close friend of the Clinton's. Interesting? Certainly allows Senator Clinton to put out false reports and be "above it all" in order to disclaim any knowledge. But then, those of us in New York are used to the strong arm tactics of Senator Clinton. Her staff strong arms local Democratic politicians and offices to support her, as failure to do so, will ensure she will never appear at one of THEIR fundraisers or events. And I am shocked at Senator Schumer's support of Senator Clinton. I had admired him, voted for him, and am personally shocked he would not wait and take a good look at Senator Obama, but then again, he needs her backing for his next election now doesn't he? I can't deny the fact Senator Clinton through her husband's contacts is quite good at getting huge donors for her campaign.
I believe the massive grassroots support both Internet and Real World for Senator Obama is indicative of the citizens being sick and tired of OLD TIME POLITICS, and want to choose for themselves who they will support. Fox news just hates the fact that there has been a massive grassroots groundswell of support for Senator Obama.
As was talked about on Hardball yesterday, the GOP is sadly lacking for a GOOD candidate to put up against the Democrats in 08, and even in Congress the Republicans are divided. Their party is in disarray, and whose fault is that? You can lay it directly at the feet of President Bush.
Not only has he succeeded in getting most of the citizens of this country against him, he also has been able to make a shambles of his party.
I am not at all surprised. Anything he would say to them would be "twisted" to report the way they want to in a negative light, yet Fox News claims that it is Senator Obama's peril not to engage in interviews with their reporters. Now, can someone explain to me just why Senator Obama should be eager to give interviews to Fox News reporters when it was THEY who proclaimed the FALSE report without doing one minute of actual research about Senator Obama's school at the age of 7 years old, hinting that he went to a "terrorist leaning" grade school? This writer does not blame Senator one bit for failing to engage Fox reporters in interviews or conversation. In fact I agree with the writer of the above linked article, that he is better off without Fox News.
I sit here today and picture the staff at Fox News appointing a staff of reporters in a "War Room" totally devoted to find SOMETHING, ANYTHING that they can use to put out as fact that would be a negative report about Senator Obama.
For those not in the know, being from New York I can tell you that the original writer of the piece on Senator Obama's school which was false, as proven by the research done by CNN, happens to be a close friend of the Clinton's. Interesting? Certainly allows Senator Clinton to put out false reports and be "above it all" in order to disclaim any knowledge. But then, those of us in New York are used to the strong arm tactics of Senator Clinton. Her staff strong arms local Democratic politicians and offices to support her, as failure to do so, will ensure she will never appear at one of THEIR fundraisers or events. And I am shocked at Senator Schumer's support of Senator Clinton. I had admired him, voted for him, and am personally shocked he would not wait and take a good look at Senator Obama, but then again, he needs her backing for his next election now doesn't he? I can't deny the fact Senator Clinton through her husband's contacts is quite good at getting huge donors for her campaign.
I believe the massive grassroots support both Internet and Real World for Senator Obama is indicative of the citizens being sick and tired of OLD TIME POLITICS, and want to choose for themselves who they will support. Fox news just hates the fact that there has been a massive grassroots groundswell of support for Senator Obama.
As was talked about on Hardball yesterday, the GOP is sadly lacking for a GOOD candidate to put up against the Democrats in 08, and even in Congress the Republicans are divided. Their party is in disarray, and whose fault is that? You can lay it directly at the feet of President Bush.
Not only has he succeeded in getting most of the citizens of this country against him, he also has been able to make a shambles of his party.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
By HOPE YEN - Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON(AP) The Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman on Sunday dismissed criticism a resolution opposing a troop buildup in Iraq would embolden the enemy and estimated perhaps only 20 senators believe President Bush "is headed in the right direction."
"It's not the American people or the U.S. Congress who are emboldening the enemy," said Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., and White House hopeful in 2008. "It's the failed policy of this president _ going to war without a strategy, going to war prematurely."
I read this article today and it makes me ask the question: "Why won't President Bush heed the advice of others?" Those generals in the field who spoke up and told the President they disagreed with him were replaced by those that would agree with him. Under immense pressure after this past election, he replaced Rumsfeld "the warmonger" after stating prior to the election that Rumsfeld was there to stay. It seems President Bush is "lost" himself.
I had a spot for people to post comments and as you can see that has been removed for the time being due to a very abusive posting by someone, who admittedly has a stake in this issue as he has a son who just deployed to Iraq, yet he accused me of being Anti-American when I am only exercising my constitutional right to express my opinion on all topics that would be pertinent to this blog. He accused me of supporting a candidate, Senator Obama who would cut off funds for the troops. I would like to correct the gentleman who commented, because Senator Obama has NEVER suggested denying funding for the troops already on the ground in Iraq, as to do so would put them in peril. The commentor needs to do more homework and read exactly what Senator Obama's position is on Iraq before condemning me of being Anti-American. The commentor also discussed, WITHOUT DOING HIS HOMEWORK, the FALSE story planted by a Hillary Clinton backed magazine about Senator Obama's schooling at the AGE OF 6 YEARS OLD in a supposed "terrorist" elementary school. (To show I DO do my homework, here is only one article CORRECTING what is falsly being reported on some anti-Obama blogs - OBMA SCHOOL
CNN instead did their reporting correctly, and sent reporters directly to the school Senator Obama attended and spoke directly to the headmaster who had been there when Senator Obama attended. Senator Obama attended that school for a total of 2 years, kindergarten and 1st grade, and at the time, the school was secular in nature and never ever taught extremist views and does not to this day.
People need to do their homework instead of believing "hate Obama" blogs on the internet who take the easy way by copying false reports and not investigating any further before posting this type of slander against Senator Obama.
Hate, in any form is a cancer that spreads, as in the hate between the religioius sects in Iraq. Senator Obama offers a NEW kind of politics, one where one can discuss various issues, whether you agree with them or not, in a civilized manner. The commentor who posted here would rather HATE than discuss, would rather BASH and repeat false reports than discuss anything in a civilized manner.
For this reason I will hold off allowing comments as I would rather follow the lead of an insightful candidate, and respond to civilized comments, instead of receiving hate filled statements without fact.
Now, I will in fact, stand corrected where I stated in a previous posting that 7 soldiers of the 82Airborne died on their first day in Iraq. I was writing my post while reading an article about the deaths of 7, which has since been corrected to 8 troops who died when their helicopter was shot down in Iraq on one day, 3 days prior to the death of the first casualty from the 82Airbord Division. I stand corrected sir and apologize for this error, but it is to be expected when so many of our wonderful fine soldiers, both men AND women are dying in a war that should never have begun due to the lies told by the Administration. I stand behind my statement of those lies. President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Rumsfeld made the case that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction and put out those false reports to instill fear in the citizens of the United States so their effort to invade Iraq would not receive critisizm. Now if you call that Anti-American, you are the one who is crazy. I support our troops and want them home but while they are in Iraq I pray for them every single day. I have volunteered countless hours on many many projects for our troops, including, Operation Phone Home, Operation Care Package, and am currently involved in a New York based group who are gathering supplies for Care packages for our troops. So don't attack me as Anti-American sir.
No, I contend it is your racial bias against Senator Obama which brings out the hate in you and you had to sling it at someone, so why not this blog? I pray your son stays safe and comes home before our President escalates it to another war in Iran.
Now if you wish to see the ACTUAL Casulty List here you go! I suggest people read blogs that actually do research and find out the FACTS insteead of those bloggers who pick up "snippits" of information and write about it without the true facts.
I attempt in each post to us FACTS that I have researched but no one can be perfect all the time. I made one error in my post regarding the 82 Airborne and you attack me for making a mistake. So be it.
WASHINGTON(AP) The Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman on Sunday dismissed criticism a resolution opposing a troop buildup in Iraq would embolden the enemy and estimated perhaps only 20 senators believe President Bush "is headed in the right direction."
"It's not the American people or the U.S. Congress who are emboldening the enemy," said Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., and White House hopeful in 2008. "It's the failed policy of this president _ going to war without a strategy, going to war prematurely."
I read this article today and it makes me ask the question: "Why won't President Bush heed the advice of others?" Those generals in the field who spoke up and told the President they disagreed with him were replaced by those that would agree with him. Under immense pressure after this past election, he replaced Rumsfeld "the warmonger" after stating prior to the election that Rumsfeld was there to stay. It seems President Bush is "lost" himself.
I had a spot for people to post comments and as you can see that has been removed for the time being due to a very abusive posting by someone, who admittedly has a stake in this issue as he has a son who just deployed to Iraq, yet he accused me of being Anti-American when I am only exercising my constitutional right to express my opinion on all topics that would be pertinent to this blog. He accused me of supporting a candidate, Senator Obama who would cut off funds for the troops. I would like to correct the gentleman who commented, because Senator Obama has NEVER suggested denying funding for the troops already on the ground in Iraq, as to do so would put them in peril. The commentor needs to do more homework and read exactly what Senator Obama's position is on Iraq before condemning me of being Anti-American. The commentor also discussed, WITHOUT DOING HIS HOMEWORK, the FALSE story planted by a Hillary Clinton backed magazine about Senator Obama's schooling at the AGE OF 6 YEARS OLD in a supposed "terrorist" elementary school. (To show I DO do my homework, here is only one article CORRECTING what is falsly being reported on some anti-Obama blogs - OBMA SCHOOL
CNN instead did their reporting correctly, and sent reporters directly to the school Senator Obama attended and spoke directly to the headmaster who had been there when Senator Obama attended. Senator Obama attended that school for a total of 2 years, kindergarten and 1st grade, and at the time, the school was secular in nature and never ever taught extremist views and does not to this day.
People need to do their homework instead of believing "hate Obama" blogs on the internet who take the easy way by copying false reports and not investigating any further before posting this type of slander against Senator Obama.
Hate, in any form is a cancer that spreads, as in the hate between the religioius sects in Iraq. Senator Obama offers a NEW kind of politics, one where one can discuss various issues, whether you agree with them or not, in a civilized manner. The commentor who posted here would rather HATE than discuss, would rather BASH and repeat false reports than discuss anything in a civilized manner.
For this reason I will hold off allowing comments as I would rather follow the lead of an insightful candidate, and respond to civilized comments, instead of receiving hate filled statements without fact.
Now, I will in fact, stand corrected where I stated in a previous posting that 7 soldiers of the 82Airborne died on their first day in Iraq. I was writing my post while reading an article about the deaths of 7, which has since been corrected to 8 troops who died when their helicopter was shot down in Iraq on one day, 3 days prior to the death of the first casualty from the 82Airbord Division. I stand corrected sir and apologize for this error, but it is to be expected when so many of our wonderful fine soldiers, both men AND women are dying in a war that should never have begun due to the lies told by the Administration. I stand behind my statement of those lies. President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Rumsfeld made the case that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction and put out those false reports to instill fear in the citizens of the United States so their effort to invade Iraq would not receive critisizm. Now if you call that Anti-American, you are the one who is crazy. I support our troops and want them home but while they are in Iraq I pray for them every single day. I have volunteered countless hours on many many projects for our troops, including, Operation Phone Home, Operation Care Package, and am currently involved in a New York based group who are gathering supplies for Care packages for our troops. So don't attack me as Anti-American sir.
No, I contend it is your racial bias against Senator Obama which brings out the hate in you and you had to sling it at someone, so why not this blog? I pray your son stays safe and comes home before our President escalates it to another war in Iran.
Now if you wish to see the ACTUAL Casulty List here you go! I suggest people read blogs that actually do research and find out the FACTS insteead of those bloggers who pick up "snippits" of information and write about it without the true facts.
I attempt in each post to us FACTS that I have researched but no one can be perfect all the time. I made one error in my post regarding the 82 Airborne and you attack me for making a mistake. So be it.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Barack Obama has just landed one of John Kerry’s most important fundraisers: Mark Gorenberg, a California-based venture capitalist who’s a top fundraiser for the Democratic Party, a source has confirmed to Election Central.
Gorenberg is a heavyweight in fundraising circles who’s helped turn San Francisco into a major fundraising source for Democrats. He was a leading fundraiser for Kerry in 2004 as his California finance chair, and also raised more than $1 million for 27 Dem House candidates in 2006, according to the Connecticut Post.
The battle for donors is on, and Obama’s off to a good start.
Gorenberg is a heavyweight in fundraising circles who’s helped turn San Francisco into a major fundraising source for Democrats. He was a leading fundraiser for Kerry in 2004 as his California finance chair, and also raised more than $1 million for 27 Dem House candidates in 2006, according to the Connecticut Post.
The battle for donors is on, and Obama’s off to a good start.
Friday, January 26, 2007
President Bush, on a collision course with Congress over Iraq, said Friday "I'm the decision-maker" about sending more troops to the war. He challenged skeptical lawmakers not to prematurely condemn his buildup.
I gather, President Bush didn't get the memo? The citizens of the United States made a decision in this past election. WE DON'T LIKE WHERE YOU ARE GOING MR. PRESIDENT WHEN IT COMES TO IRAQ! Is this President so deluded that he refuses to listen to the American people, or does he believe we just don't count. That our opinions, our wishes, our votes, have no bearing on his actions? I am tired of this President IGNORING the citizens of the United States and doing as he so pleases.
It will certainly be interesting when some "truth" comes out in the Scooter Libby trial when Vice-President Cheney is forced to testify about the now known, LIES, told by the President and Vice-President in order to obtain a congressional vote to invade Iraq in the first place, making the case that Iraq had WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION, when in fact, they did NOT. Though Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator, there are other brutal dictators in this world, are we to attack them all?
No my friends, the word of the day is OIL. I could make the case that the President's true motive was to gain control of the vast oil reserves that Iraq has. Instead of attacking the source of the terrorists who attacked the US on Sept 11 in Aphganistan, where Bin Ladin who has been proven to be behind the attack hides, and shoring up the troop force there and now, due to the complete lack of logistics by our President, the fertile ground in areas of Iraq that are now being used as training grounds for terrorists, he prefers to concentrate the "surge" of troops in Baghdad where he will never ever be able to understand the underlying religious conflict in that city, laying our troops open to further fatalities and injury. On the very first day the first contingent of the 82nd Airborne arrived in Iraq, 7 of the soldiers were killed on the VERY FIRST DAY they were there.
Trying to fix a problem that has existed for thousands of years can not be done and what it DOES do is present a poor reflection on the United States with other countries, emboldens those countries who have posed no threat to us at all to step up their challenge of the US, for instance Iran.
I have always believed, no matter what country, friend or foe, that talking about what we HAVE IN COMMON and building on that interaction to further talks is the better way rather than using troops. President Bush seems to think our American soldiers are his to play around with. Well Mr. President, our soldiers are not a bunch of "beans" you can sit and count and play around with. You have put us in a position of appearing "weak" by withdrawing, and by staying furthering the deaths of our troops.
I appeal to Congress to investigate what was behind the justification of sending in troops to Iraq and if found that the President lied to Congress, he should be held accountable for it.
You took on Impeachment when President Clinton lied about a "sexual dalliance" , yet you allow our current President to lie to the American people and Congress about something much more grave and of greater consequence to our country. It is time to hold him accountable for his actions.
I gather, President Bush didn't get the memo? The citizens of the United States made a decision in this past election. WE DON'T LIKE WHERE YOU ARE GOING MR. PRESIDENT WHEN IT COMES TO IRAQ! Is this President so deluded that he refuses to listen to the American people, or does he believe we just don't count. That our opinions, our wishes, our votes, have no bearing on his actions? I am tired of this President IGNORING the citizens of the United States and doing as he so pleases.
It will certainly be interesting when some "truth" comes out in the Scooter Libby trial when Vice-President Cheney is forced to testify about the now known, LIES, told by the President and Vice-President in order to obtain a congressional vote to invade Iraq in the first place, making the case that Iraq had WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION, when in fact, they did NOT. Though Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator, there are other brutal dictators in this world, are we to attack them all?
No my friends, the word of the day is OIL. I could make the case that the President's true motive was to gain control of the vast oil reserves that Iraq has. Instead of attacking the source of the terrorists who attacked the US on Sept 11 in Aphganistan, where Bin Ladin who has been proven to be behind the attack hides, and shoring up the troop force there and now, due to the complete lack of logistics by our President, the fertile ground in areas of Iraq that are now being used as training grounds for terrorists, he prefers to concentrate the "surge" of troops in Baghdad where he will never ever be able to understand the underlying religious conflict in that city, laying our troops open to further fatalities and injury. On the very first day the first contingent of the 82nd Airborne arrived in Iraq, 7 of the soldiers were killed on the VERY FIRST DAY they were there.
Trying to fix a problem that has existed for thousands of years can not be done and what it DOES do is present a poor reflection on the United States with other countries, emboldens those countries who have posed no threat to us at all to step up their challenge of the US, for instance Iran.
I have always believed, no matter what country, friend or foe, that talking about what we HAVE IN COMMON and building on that interaction to further talks is the better way rather than using troops. President Bush seems to think our American soldiers are his to play around with. Well Mr. President, our soldiers are not a bunch of "beans" you can sit and count and play around with. You have put us in a position of appearing "weak" by withdrawing, and by staying furthering the deaths of our troops.
I appeal to Congress to investigate what was behind the justification of sending in troops to Iraq and if found that the President lied to Congress, he should be held accountable for it.
You took on Impeachment when President Clinton lied about a "sexual dalliance" , yet you allow our current President to lie to the American people and Congress about something much more grave and of greater consequence to our country. It is time to hold him accountable for his actions.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Recently the Fox News with John Gibson discussed the "bomb" dropped on Senator Obama by the Hillary Clinton "machine" regarding his days spent in a school at the AGE OF 6 stating it was a Madrassa (which is a radical Islamic form of the Muslim religion). Here is a quote from that show:
"You know, the Clinton team and the machine, make no mistake, it's still in place. They used to call themselves the masters of disaster. And if Barack Obama gets into the race against Clinton, I think that he can count on no small amount of disaster being forced upon him by running against one of the most effective and one of the most negative political machines ever assembled in this country."
Now, through Investigation, the Washington Post has revealed that this in fact is NOT TRUE regarding Senator Obama's schooling.
Their story today in the Washington Post says the exact opposite directly from the Headmaster of the school. Now remember, this is a Clinton attempt to muddy the waters was 40 YEARS ago when Senator Obama was 6 years old. Senator Clinton's operatives are stopping at nothing to discredit Senator Obama and they are striking early. This to me shows she is truly worried about the threat Senator Obama poses in her STRONG ARMED METHODS to get the White House. She is using OLD TIME DIRTY POLITICS in a day when we would hope that civility and honest discussion would be the way to campaign, allowing the citizens to decide for themselves after hearing where each candidate stands on issues.
We could get down and dirty with Mrs. Clinton, if that is what she so chooses. She has so many skeletons in her closet she couldn't begin to explain them all. What is interesting about Senator Obama is the gentlemanly way he responded to her announcement of her bid for the Presidency, the class he showed in his response should be a guideline for the way Senator Clinton should present herself. The way her MACHINE is working now, she comes across as a demanding, shrill, nasty woman, and not one for any woman to emulate. She I believe needs to rethink her approach because it is not going to gain her any friends from the voters.
And she certainly is keeping hubby Bill hidden right now isn't she. If she can't stand the heat the way to handle it is not to attack another candidate but rather answer some questions about HER that the citizens have. Hillary, your hands are not clean on this one, painting Senator Obama as a "terrorist" by hinting at it by putting out a story that he attended a school when he was 6 YEARS OLD that was radical and it wasn't true. Do your homework next time on who Senator Obama REALLY is.
"You know, the Clinton team and the machine, make no mistake, it's still in place. They used to call themselves the masters of disaster. And if Barack Obama gets into the race against Clinton, I think that he can count on no small amount of disaster being forced upon him by running against one of the most effective and one of the most negative political machines ever assembled in this country."
Now, through Investigation, the Washington Post has revealed that this in fact is NOT TRUE regarding Senator Obama's schooling.
Their story today in the Washington Post says the exact opposite directly from the Headmaster of the school. Now remember, this is a Clinton attempt to muddy the waters was 40 YEARS ago when Senator Obama was 6 years old. Senator Clinton's operatives are stopping at nothing to discredit Senator Obama and they are striking early. This to me shows she is truly worried about the threat Senator Obama poses in her STRONG ARMED METHODS to get the White House. She is using OLD TIME DIRTY POLITICS in a day when we would hope that civility and honest discussion would be the way to campaign, allowing the citizens to decide for themselves after hearing where each candidate stands on issues.
We could get down and dirty with Mrs. Clinton, if that is what she so chooses. She has so many skeletons in her closet she couldn't begin to explain them all. What is interesting about Senator Obama is the gentlemanly way he responded to her announcement of her bid for the Presidency, the class he showed in his response should be a guideline for the way Senator Clinton should present herself. The way her MACHINE is working now, she comes across as a demanding, shrill, nasty woman, and not one for any woman to emulate. She I believe needs to rethink her approach because it is not going to gain her any friends from the voters.
And she certainly is keeping hubby Bill hidden right now isn't she. If she can't stand the heat the way to handle it is not to attack another candidate but rather answer some questions about HER that the citizens have. Hillary, your hands are not clean on this one, painting Senator Obama as a "terrorist" by hinting at it by putting out a story that he attended a school when he was 6 YEARS OLD that was radical and it wasn't true. Do your homework next time on who Senator Obama REALLY is.
Monday, January 22, 2007
I read a couple polling numbers today in the New York papers as I am located just outside NYC and I sure would like to know where they are getting their figures. They "claim" that Senator Clinton leads Senator Obama 53% to his 41%. But then again, this was published in a pro-Clinton newspaper so you figure it out. I don't think I need to spell it out for you.
Now I have spoken with doctors, teachers, the garbage man, secretaries, financial analysts, well people in all walks of life, the elderly, the disabled, the poor and while Senator Clinton is discussed, the interest is in Senator Obama. Although they do express a desire to get to know more about him, Senator Obama if you read this, heed their request? Come visit New York, they are eager to hear from you. I have found most citizens are NOT READY to throw their support behind Senator Clinton, but would like to take a look at Senator Obama.
There are many reasons given as to why they hesitate to support Senator Clinton, chief among them is the fact they do not trust her. This is a result of her WASTING $50 million dollars to ensure her seat, that there would be no doubt she would keep it, AND she had to show big numbers, thereby giving her a secure launching pad for her Presidential bid. Now the citizens of New York I have personally spoken with do not appreciate her WASTE of donations, and yes folks it was a WASTE as she could have won re-election spending a 10th of that amount due to the fact there really wasn't any interesting candidate running for the job that gained much interest of the citizens of the state.
They also express suspicion on the entire progression of events and the calculated move on the part of the Clintons to move to NY to set a base for Senator Clinton. Allow me to explain. First their choice of where to buy a house nestled among the 'rich elite' who are invested in NYC but live in a wealthy little town, a rich enclave amongst themselves. Then their came President Clinton's positioning himself with an office in New York City and his unending appearances at events where the powerful and elitist also attend. Setting a stage you might say for entree for Senator Clinton to gain initial support among the 'monied elite'. Then her first run for Senate with President Clinton using his contacts in the black communities of NYC to shore up her vote in those areas. There was no mistake my friends that President Clinton would have an office in Harlem, therefore allowing Hillary to claim roots in that community therefore gaining the black voter there.
Due to the power of the black vote, and folks, believe me, Senator Clinton does not care one bit about the needs of the inner city. I have witnessed for myself her visits, and believe me, they are just that, visits, photo-ops for her future use so she can show how she 'cares" about the underpriviledged. She could not get out of there fast enough, spending only enough time to get her video and photos, then getting out of Harlem as fast as she could. With Bill stablizing the black vote, it allowed her to concentrate on upper New York thereby winning her election for first term Senator. This has all been calculated since President Clinton left the White House.
She certainly expected some payback for standing by her man while he played with his ladies at the White House. As a matter of fact, Hilary knew all about it, and I have heard reports she herself strong armed a couple ladies. Yes, she has much to hide, but it will all come out.
Senator Clinton, the one behind Whitewater herself. It was HER demand they purchase that land from her friend, yet she stood back denying any knowledge of that fiasco, keeping her hands clean and allowing the President, her husband to take all the heat.
She has been cold and calculating from day one when they arrived in New York State and the citizens of this state since this past election are realizing it. It was not her likability that re-elected her, rather the desire of the citizens to make sure the Democrats gained control of Congress that ensured her re-election. Many are unhappy with the fact of her waste of $50million dollars and then not fulfilling her promise to do a job the citizens of this state hired her to do, be their Senator for 6 more years. She knew before the election she would not want to stay in that job, and used the citizens to her advantage.
This is only part of what I have been hearing. They are unhappy with the way her opinions flipflop according to public outcry. She voted FOR THE WAR, and now puts out a half-hearted demand for withdrawal. She does not take chances, and every single word she utters is "scripted" by her handlers. Her Internet chats should be interesting as I can picture her staff, sitting behind the cameras furiously scribbling replies for her to question posed.
Senator Clinton is OLD POLITICS and do we really want President Clinton sitting in the White House with nothing to do? Hmmmmm should be interesting with a husband you don't know what to do with, with time on his hands to roam around looking for the pretty ladies.
This I DO know. The citizens of New York State are not ready to give her wholehearted support and the state is RIPE for Senator Obama to take away her little prize. I for one will be right there to campaign for him, among thousands of others already signed up to take Senator Clinton's so-called "locked up state" away from her.
Now I have spoken with doctors, teachers, the garbage man, secretaries, financial analysts, well people in all walks of life, the elderly, the disabled, the poor and while Senator Clinton is discussed, the interest is in Senator Obama. Although they do express a desire to get to know more about him, Senator Obama if you read this, heed their request? Come visit New York, they are eager to hear from you. I have found most citizens are NOT READY to throw their support behind Senator Clinton, but would like to take a look at Senator Obama.
There are many reasons given as to why they hesitate to support Senator Clinton, chief among them is the fact they do not trust her. This is a result of her WASTING $50 million dollars to ensure her seat, that there would be no doubt she would keep it, AND she had to show big numbers, thereby giving her a secure launching pad for her Presidential bid. Now the citizens of New York I have personally spoken with do not appreciate her WASTE of donations, and yes folks it was a WASTE as she could have won re-election spending a 10th of that amount due to the fact there really wasn't any interesting candidate running for the job that gained much interest of the citizens of the state.
They also express suspicion on the entire progression of events and the calculated move on the part of the Clintons to move to NY to set a base for Senator Clinton. Allow me to explain. First their choice of where to buy a house nestled among the 'rich elite' who are invested in NYC but live in a wealthy little town, a rich enclave amongst themselves. Then their came President Clinton's positioning himself with an office in New York City and his unending appearances at events where the powerful and elitist also attend. Setting a stage you might say for entree for Senator Clinton to gain initial support among the 'monied elite'. Then her first run for Senate with President Clinton using his contacts in the black communities of NYC to shore up her vote in those areas. There was no mistake my friends that President Clinton would have an office in Harlem, therefore allowing Hillary to claim roots in that community therefore gaining the black voter there.
Due to the power of the black vote, and folks, believe me, Senator Clinton does not care one bit about the needs of the inner city. I have witnessed for myself her visits, and believe me, they are just that, visits, photo-ops for her future use so she can show how she 'cares" about the underpriviledged. She could not get out of there fast enough, spending only enough time to get her video and photos, then getting out of Harlem as fast as she could. With Bill stablizing the black vote, it allowed her to concentrate on upper New York thereby winning her election for first term Senator. This has all been calculated since President Clinton left the White House.
She certainly expected some payback for standing by her man while he played with his ladies at the White House. As a matter of fact, Hilary knew all about it, and I have heard reports she herself strong armed a couple ladies. Yes, she has much to hide, but it will all come out.
Senator Clinton, the one behind Whitewater herself. It was HER demand they purchase that land from her friend, yet she stood back denying any knowledge of that fiasco, keeping her hands clean and allowing the President, her husband to take all the heat.
She has been cold and calculating from day one when they arrived in New York State and the citizens of this state since this past election are realizing it. It was not her likability that re-elected her, rather the desire of the citizens to make sure the Democrats gained control of Congress that ensured her re-election. Many are unhappy with the fact of her waste of $50million dollars and then not fulfilling her promise to do a job the citizens of this state hired her to do, be their Senator for 6 more years. She knew before the election she would not want to stay in that job, and used the citizens to her advantage.
This is only part of what I have been hearing. They are unhappy with the way her opinions flipflop according to public outcry. She voted FOR THE WAR, and now puts out a half-hearted demand for withdrawal. She does not take chances, and every single word she utters is "scripted" by her handlers. Her Internet chats should be interesting as I can picture her staff, sitting behind the cameras furiously scribbling replies for her to question posed.
Senator Clinton is OLD POLITICS and do we really want President Clinton sitting in the White House with nothing to do? Hmmmmm should be interesting with a husband you don't know what to do with, with time on his hands to roam around looking for the pretty ladies.
This I DO know. The citizens of New York State are not ready to give her wholehearted support and the state is RIPE for Senator Obama to take away her little prize. I for one will be right there to campaign for him, among thousands of others already signed up to take Senator Clinton's so-called "locked up state" away from her.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
US Reinforcements Arrive in Baghdad, Bomb Blasts Kill Seven
By VOA News 21 January 2007
The U.S. military says 3,200 American troops from the 82nd Airborne Division have arrived in Baghdad as the first part of a military buildup to help Iraqi security forces fight sectarian violence.
The troops are to be fully operational by February first. They are the first of about 17,000 reinforcements to be sent to Baghdad as part of President Bush's controversial strategy to stabilize the city.
Violence is continuing in the capital. Police say two bomb blasts in Baghdad have killed at least seven people and wounded about 20.
The U.S. military says four more American soldiers and a Marine were killed on Saturday in Anbar province, west of the capital.
Saturday was one of the deadliest days for U.S. forces since 2003.
Twelve American troops died when their helicopter crashed northeast of Baghdad.
Five American soldiers were killed in the Shi'ite holy city Karbala as militia fighters attacked a government building.
Iraqi officials said Sunday that the attackers were dressed in U.S. and Iraqi military uniforms and drove up to the building in black sports utility vehicles like those used by the Americans.
A U.S. spokesman (Brigadier General Vincent Brooks) says the attack occurred as American and Iraqi military officials were meeting to discuss security arrangements for pilgrims arriving in Karbala for a Shi'ite festival Ashura.
Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters
President Bush was warned by generals and many in Congress that a step-up in troops would only lead to more deaths of our military personnel. Yesterday a total of 24 American soldiers were killed in one day. The first group of soldiers sent by President Bush to SECURE BAGHDAD has only served to step UP the violence and kill more of our soldiers. The first attachment of the 82nd Airborne just arriving to beef up security suffered 7 dead on their FIRST day on arrival.
They were attacked by militants dressed up in AMERICAN uniforms and driving OFFICIAL cars. My question, where did they gain access to the American military uniform? The corruption and infiltration of militants into the ranks of both Iraqi military and the police force shows us that they can gain access to OUR military equipment and uniforms.
President Bush has absolutely no CLUE as to what is really happening and it will only serve to further increase the casualty rate of our Armed Forces. This is madness.
I also read an article today discussing the US Senate's attempt to gain full support condemning this step up of troops, yet many Republicans are hindering the process. It would be a disaster if this resolution is not approved, further giving the President the nerve to further his agenda.
Can we hold on until the Presidential Election? One hopes so, but my fear that with the "buzz" words that Bush's minions are using, they want to step up action against Iran, further engolfing our soldiers in a wider war and presenting the United States as a "warmonger" amoung our allies.
Bush goes forward at his own peril for the people of the United States will not stand for his "my way or the highway" attitude. This man is NOT FIT for office.
By VOA News 21 January 2007
The U.S. military says 3,200 American troops from the 82nd Airborne Division have arrived in Baghdad as the first part of a military buildup to help Iraqi security forces fight sectarian violence.
The troops are to be fully operational by February first. They are the first of about 17,000 reinforcements to be sent to Baghdad as part of President Bush's controversial strategy to stabilize the city.
Violence is continuing in the capital. Police say two bomb blasts in Baghdad have killed at least seven people and wounded about 20.
The U.S. military says four more American soldiers and a Marine were killed on Saturday in Anbar province, west of the capital.
Saturday was one of the deadliest days for U.S. forces since 2003.
Twelve American troops died when their helicopter crashed northeast of Baghdad.
Five American soldiers were killed in the Shi'ite holy city Karbala as militia fighters attacked a government building.
Iraqi officials said Sunday that the attackers were dressed in U.S. and Iraqi military uniforms and drove up to the building in black sports utility vehicles like those used by the Americans.
A U.S. spokesman (Brigadier General Vincent Brooks) says the attack occurred as American and Iraqi military officials were meeting to discuss security arrangements for pilgrims arriving in Karbala for a Shi'ite festival Ashura.
Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters
President Bush was warned by generals and many in Congress that a step-up in troops would only lead to more deaths of our military personnel. Yesterday a total of 24 American soldiers were killed in one day. The first group of soldiers sent by President Bush to SECURE BAGHDAD has only served to step UP the violence and kill more of our soldiers. The first attachment of the 82nd Airborne just arriving to beef up security suffered 7 dead on their FIRST day on arrival.
They were attacked by militants dressed up in AMERICAN uniforms and driving OFFICIAL cars. My question, where did they gain access to the American military uniform? The corruption and infiltration of militants into the ranks of both Iraqi military and the police force shows us that they can gain access to OUR military equipment and uniforms.
President Bush has absolutely no CLUE as to what is really happening and it will only serve to further increase the casualty rate of our Armed Forces. This is madness.
I also read an article today discussing the US Senate's attempt to gain full support condemning this step up of troops, yet many Republicans are hindering the process. It would be a disaster if this resolution is not approved, further giving the President the nerve to further his agenda.
Can we hold on until the Presidential Election? One hopes so, but my fear that with the "buzz" words that Bush's minions are using, they want to step up action against Iran, further engolfing our soldiers in a wider war and presenting the United States as a "warmonger" amoung our allies.
Bush goes forward at his own peril for the people of the United States will not stand for his "my way or the highway" attitude. This man is NOT FIT for office.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
I WAS going to write about something else today, but I am MAD, Mad as hell and I need to vent.
Allow me to explain:
I am a New Yorker, almost my entire life except for some time spent in Boston for school and a short term living in Georgia. I have always voted Democratic, at times not happily given the lack of a better alternate candidate. When I registered to vote, NOWHERE did I have to provide my email address to anyone.
I have NEVER EVER signed up for ANY of Hillary Clinton's websites, nor have I ever ever worked on any of her campaigns here in New York. I am not a fan of hers to say the least.
Now today, I begin receiving emails from her campaign staff about her announcement to run for President. What I personally would like to know is this. EXACTLY HOW DID THEY GET MY EMAIL ADDRESS? The only campaign I have ever signed up for was Senator Obama's.
HOW DID THEY GAIN ACCESS TO SENATOR OBAMA'S DATABASE OF EMAIL VOLUNTEERS? This is a very good question and speaks to the underhanded dealings already of how Hillary Clinton's staff works. I have also received phone calls and I have repeatedly questioned how they got my phone number, and that I was a Senator Obama supporter. Yet they called back again and asked me to consider realigning my support behind Senator Clinton.
I called a couple friends of mine who are helping with our website, and they too received the emails from Senator Clinton and received phone calls. In all the phone calls, they asked this question: Do you think Senator Obama is a Muslim? She may not be publicly making that accusation, but in phone calls they are quietly planting the seed in people's minds. Planting the seed of racism is the worst kind of politics, damning the Muslim community as if they were terrorists, or hinting at it. I have read blogs discussing the time Senator Obama AT THE AGE OF 7 went to a Muslim school so I decided to read up on exactly what the Muslim religion was all about, even though he is not a Muslim, the accusations are there, and being armed with fact is the best defense. Did you know a true Muslim is AGAINST VIOLENCE, that it is a sin?
I WAS going to discuss this issue in today's writing, however, I am very angry that the Clinton machine is hitting hard and dirty on day one of her announcement which shows me they are going to do more of it in the future.
I say to all Senator Obama supports, don't believe the trash talking her staff is going to be doing. If you have a question, ask Senator Obama's staff for facts, not dirty dealings. I knew this was going to happen with Hillary, as that is the way her staff works here in New York. They muscle themselves to gain ground for their candidate, keeping themselves below the radar so that Senator Clinton can say she knows nothing about it.
This is outrageous behavior and I won't tolerate it and I told them so and warned them if they continued to call or email me, I would personally notify the press of their underhanded dealings.
I would like to know this: HOW did Senator Clinton's staff gain access to my personal private information when I never ever provided it to them willingly?
SHAME ON YOU SENATOR CLINTON. This is the dirty dealing old politics at it's worst and is a shameful start to your campaign. And you pretend to be all sweetness and nice in your video you also emailed to me. I don't want to hear it. Take your dirty politics elsewhere. I realize Senator Obama is prepared for this, but his volunteers should not have to suffer the dirty tactics of an old time political machine that will resort to anything for their candidate.
Allow me to explain:
I am a New Yorker, almost my entire life except for some time spent in Boston for school and a short term living in Georgia. I have always voted Democratic, at times not happily given the lack of a better alternate candidate. When I registered to vote, NOWHERE did I have to provide my email address to anyone.
I have NEVER EVER signed up for ANY of Hillary Clinton's websites, nor have I ever ever worked on any of her campaigns here in New York. I am not a fan of hers to say the least.
Now today, I begin receiving emails from her campaign staff about her announcement to run for President. What I personally would like to know is this. EXACTLY HOW DID THEY GET MY EMAIL ADDRESS? The only campaign I have ever signed up for was Senator Obama's.
HOW DID THEY GAIN ACCESS TO SENATOR OBAMA'S DATABASE OF EMAIL VOLUNTEERS? This is a very good question and speaks to the underhanded dealings already of how Hillary Clinton's staff works. I have also received phone calls and I have repeatedly questioned how they got my phone number, and that I was a Senator Obama supporter. Yet they called back again and asked me to consider realigning my support behind Senator Clinton.
I called a couple friends of mine who are helping with our website, and they too received the emails from Senator Clinton and received phone calls. In all the phone calls, they asked this question: Do you think Senator Obama is a Muslim? She may not be publicly making that accusation, but in phone calls they are quietly planting the seed in people's minds. Planting the seed of racism is the worst kind of politics, damning the Muslim community as if they were terrorists, or hinting at it. I have read blogs discussing the time Senator Obama AT THE AGE OF 7 went to a Muslim school so I decided to read up on exactly what the Muslim religion was all about, even though he is not a Muslim, the accusations are there, and being armed with fact is the best defense. Did you know a true Muslim is AGAINST VIOLENCE, that it is a sin?
I WAS going to discuss this issue in today's writing, however, I am very angry that the Clinton machine is hitting hard and dirty on day one of her announcement which shows me they are going to do more of it in the future.
I say to all Senator Obama supports, don't believe the trash talking her staff is going to be doing. If you have a question, ask Senator Obama's staff for facts, not dirty dealings. I knew this was going to happen with Hillary, as that is the way her staff works here in New York. They muscle themselves to gain ground for their candidate, keeping themselves below the radar so that Senator Clinton can say she knows nothing about it.
This is outrageous behavior and I won't tolerate it and I told them so and warned them if they continued to call or email me, I would personally notify the press of their underhanded dealings.
I would like to know this: HOW did Senator Clinton's staff gain access to my personal private information when I never ever provided it to them willingly?
SHAME ON YOU SENATOR CLINTON. This is the dirty dealing old politics at it's worst and is a shameful start to your campaign. And you pretend to be all sweetness and nice in your video you also emailed to me. I don't want to hear it. Take your dirty politics elsewhere. I realize Senator Obama is prepared for this, but his volunteers should not have to suffer the dirty tactics of an old time political machine that will resort to anything for their candidate.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Jesse Jackson: 'All of my heart leans toward Barack'from Alexander Mooney-->
Rev. Jesse Jackson, a leader in the African-American community and two-time presidential candidate, told CNN Thursday he is all but certain to endorse Sen. Barack Obama's, D-Illinois, likely bid for the White House."All of my heart leans toward Barack," Jackson said. "He is a next-door neighbor literally. I think he's an extension of our struggle to make this a more perfect union.""I will talk to all of them, but my inclinations are really toward Barack," he added. Jackson also spoke highly of others seeking or likely to seek the Democratic nomination, and said Obama cannot take the African-American base of the party for granted."It will be a feisty, competitive campaign," he said. "I don't think it will be hostile, or nasty, but it will be a very competitive campaign."
COMMENT: In the process of reading many many articles on the issue of Senator Obama's ability to gain the support of the African American citizens, it has been noted that John Edwards is proclaiming that "these are my people" and many southern Black ministers DO support John Edwards but this I believe is due to the fact that Senator Obama has yet to visit and engage with the leaders of the southern communities and allow them to get to know him and where he stands. It is interesting to note, that many well to do WHITE southern voters are more interested in Senator Obama. This is a key issue that Senator Obama needs to address. There does tend to be a discrimmination factor also in play in that Senator Obama is of "mixed race" and African Americans tend to consider this a "minus" factor. Perhaps this is due to predecessors of Senator Obama of mixed race who fail to point with pride of their African heritage, witness golf pro who tells Oprah he is "claynasian", ie, white, asian descent rather than pointing out his African blood. I am speaking of Tiger Woods who fails to embrace his African heritage alienating the Black community.
Yet I feel certain, as Senator Obama visits these states and speaks about how proud he is of his Kenya roots, his journey there to discover his heritage, and his embracing of his African heritage, he can overcome this disadvantage. Southern black ministers do admit that many of their congregation would be likely to vote for Senator Obama, being proud to vote for an African American for President. It is up to Senator Obama to make his case to the African American community. He has a good headstart in that direction and should embrace and instill in the African American communities his pride of heritage, emphasizing his work in poor neighborhoods and his concerns for the working poor. This will go a long way to increasing his odds over Senator Edwards in the South. The Northern Black communities that know more about Senator Obama are more willing to embrace his campaign. The message also needs to be made clear in the South of Senator Obama's pride in Martin Luther King, Jr. and that he considers him a role model. Many in the south know little about Senator Obama and it is key that he spend time in these communities, allowing them to gain confidence in considering voting for him for President.
Rev. Jesse Jackson, a leader in the African-American community and two-time presidential candidate, told CNN Thursday he is all but certain to endorse Sen. Barack Obama's, D-Illinois, likely bid for the White House."All of my heart leans toward Barack," Jackson said. "He is a next-door neighbor literally. I think he's an extension of our struggle to make this a more perfect union.""I will talk to all of them, but my inclinations are really toward Barack," he added. Jackson also spoke highly of others seeking or likely to seek the Democratic nomination, and said Obama cannot take the African-American base of the party for granted."It will be a feisty, competitive campaign," he said. "I don't think it will be hostile, or nasty, but it will be a very competitive campaign."
COMMENT: In the process of reading many many articles on the issue of Senator Obama's ability to gain the support of the African American citizens, it has been noted that John Edwards is proclaiming that "these are my people" and many southern Black ministers DO support John Edwards but this I believe is due to the fact that Senator Obama has yet to visit and engage with the leaders of the southern communities and allow them to get to know him and where he stands. It is interesting to note, that many well to do WHITE southern voters are more interested in Senator Obama. This is a key issue that Senator Obama needs to address. There does tend to be a discrimmination factor also in play in that Senator Obama is of "mixed race" and African Americans tend to consider this a "minus" factor. Perhaps this is due to predecessors of Senator Obama of mixed race who fail to point with pride of their African heritage, witness golf pro who tells Oprah he is "claynasian", ie, white, asian descent rather than pointing out his African blood. I am speaking of Tiger Woods who fails to embrace his African heritage alienating the Black community.
Yet I feel certain, as Senator Obama visits these states and speaks about how proud he is of his Kenya roots, his journey there to discover his heritage, and his embracing of his African heritage, he can overcome this disadvantage. Southern black ministers do admit that many of their congregation would be likely to vote for Senator Obama, being proud to vote for an African American for President. It is up to Senator Obama to make his case to the African American community. He has a good headstart in that direction and should embrace and instill in the African American communities his pride of heritage, emphasizing his work in poor neighborhoods and his concerns for the working poor. This will go a long way to increasing his odds over Senator Edwards in the South. The Northern Black communities that know more about Senator Obama are more willing to embrace his campaign. The message also needs to be made clear in the South of Senator Obama's pride in Martin Luther King, Jr. and that he considers him a role model. Many in the south know little about Senator Obama and it is key that he spend time in these communities, allowing them to gain confidence in considering voting for him for President.
African American,
Thursday, January 18, 2007
By Monica Ekman
Posted 1/16/07
Related Links
More from Inside Washington
Compiled by the U.S. News library staff.
1. Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu. His first name, Barack, means "blessed" in Swahili and was also his Kenyan father's name.
2. He says he hasn't liked ice cream since working at Baskin-Robbins as a teenager.
3. His childhood nickname was Barry.
4. Obama is the third African-American senator since Reconstruction.
5. He married Michelle Robinson, also a Harvard Law School graduate, who supervised him while he was working as a summer associate in a Chicago law firm. They have two daughters, Malia and Sasha.
6. As an Illinois state senator, he sponsored a bill to require the police to videotape interrogations in capital crime cases. Illinois was the first state to do this.
7. A school in his father's hometown near Lake Victoria in Kenya has been renamed the Senator Barack Obama Secondary School.
8. He loves playing Scrabble.
9. Obama and his wife bought a house on Chicago's South Side in June 2005 for $1.65 million. It has four fireplaces.
10. His heroes are Martin Luther King Jr., Mohandas Gandhi, Pablo Picasso, and John Coltrane.
Current Biography
Chicago Sun-Times
Chicago Tribune
Associated Press
Politics in America 2006
COMMENT: I thought this would be an interesting set of new facts about Senator Obama. He doesn't like ICECREAM? Who knew.
I read this article today and it further enforces my fears over President Bush's agenda regarding Iran. Lately, I have been hearing references by not only the President but also his Press Secretary and others in the Bush "cadre" which should worry all of us. Not only does Bush seek to further engulf us in Iraq's civil war, he is now making threatening gestures towards Iran. Just when will the President stop his push to further blemish the reputation of the United States with his "folly"?
Here is part of the AP article:
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI - Associated Press Writer
TEHRAN, Iran(AP) President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lashed back over the U.S. military buildup in the Gulf, saying Thursday that Iran is ready for any possibility in its standoff with the West over its nuclear program.
The president made clear he was not backing down in his tough rhetoric toward the United States, despite criticism at home. At the same time, his top national security official, Ali Larijani, sharply denounced U.S. policy in Iraq, accusing Washington of fueling Shiite-Sunni hatreds.
Washington has accused Iran of backing militants fueling Iraq's violence and has tried to rally its Arab allies in isolating Tehran. The Iraq crisis has increased tensions between the U.S. and Iran amid the dispute over Iran's nuclear program, which Washington says aims to produce nuclear weapons.
The United States sent an aircraft carrier, the USS Stennis, to the Gulf this week _ the second to deploy in the region _ a buildup that Defense Secretary Robert Gates said was intended to impress on Iran that the four-year war in Iraq has not made America vulnerable.
In an apparent reaction to the deployment, Ahmadinejad vowed Thursday that Iran would not back down over its nuclear program, which Tehran says is being developed only to produce energy.
Comment: I am truly beginning to worry over this buildup of forces in the Gulf which is antagonizing Iran and pushing them to harden their stance. Instead of using diplomacy, yes, we can talk with our enemies to find "some" common interests which would build on itself to enhance relations with other countries, yet this President seems to feel that "military force" is the only answer to any problem. He refuses to engage in talks to help diffuse the Iran influence in Iraq, refuses to discuss anything at all with Iran. When a country feels threatened, you can bet they will fight back and it appears our President is fully aware of this and is hoping for just that. Congress should get into action and prevent President Bush from further destruction and unrest in the region. Preventing President Bush from escalating things in the region should be at the forefront of Congress's agenda.
Here is part of the AP article:
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI - Associated Press Writer
TEHRAN, Iran(AP) President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lashed back over the U.S. military buildup in the Gulf, saying Thursday that Iran is ready for any possibility in its standoff with the West over its nuclear program.
The president made clear he was not backing down in his tough rhetoric toward the United States, despite criticism at home. At the same time, his top national security official, Ali Larijani, sharply denounced U.S. policy in Iraq, accusing Washington of fueling Shiite-Sunni hatreds.
Washington has accused Iran of backing militants fueling Iraq's violence and has tried to rally its Arab allies in isolating Tehran. The Iraq crisis has increased tensions between the U.S. and Iran amid the dispute over Iran's nuclear program, which Washington says aims to produce nuclear weapons.
The United States sent an aircraft carrier, the USS Stennis, to the Gulf this week _ the second to deploy in the region _ a buildup that Defense Secretary Robert Gates said was intended to impress on Iran that the four-year war in Iraq has not made America vulnerable.
In an apparent reaction to the deployment, Ahmadinejad vowed Thursday that Iran would not back down over its nuclear program, which Tehran says is being developed only to produce energy.
Comment: I am truly beginning to worry over this buildup of forces in the Gulf which is antagonizing Iran and pushing them to harden their stance. Instead of using diplomacy, yes, we can talk with our enemies to find "some" common interests which would build on itself to enhance relations with other countries, yet this President seems to feel that "military force" is the only answer to any problem. He refuses to engage in talks to help diffuse the Iran influence in Iraq, refuses to discuss anything at all with Iran. When a country feels threatened, you can bet they will fight back and it appears our President is fully aware of this and is hoping for just that. Congress should get into action and prevent President Bush from further destruction and unrest in the region. Preventing President Bush from escalating things in the region should be at the forefront of Congress's agenda.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
In doing some research on voting records of potential candidates for the Presidency, I came across Senator Clinton's record on the Iraq war compared to her statements today on CBS News. I will post both for you and YOU decide if Senator Clinton is now backtracking on her original vote. Interesting to note also, I found a ton of NO votes on Energy saving votes which I will go into at another time which Senator Obama states is key to our independence on foreign oil in the future.
Use of Military Force Against Iraq
Bill Number: H J Res 114Issue: Military IssuesDate: 10/11/2002
Sponsor:Rep Hastert, Dennis [IL-14]
Roll Call Number: 237Joint Resolution Adopted (Senate)How members voted
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton voted YES.
Read statements Senator Clinton made in this general time period. (note: could find no comment made at the time of the vote by Senator Clinton)
Official Title of Legislation:H J Res 114: To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq.Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:Vote to adopt a joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq. Highlights: - Authorizes President to use United States Armed Forces against Iraq- Requires President to report to Congress no later than 48 hours after military action has started with his determination that diplomatic efforts alone could not protect U.S. national security nor enforce United Nations resolutions regarding Iraq- Requires President to submit a progress report to Congress every 60 days on matters relevant to this resolution House Passage Vote: 10/10/2002: Passed: 296-133 (Roll No. 455)Senate Passage Vote: 10/11/2002: Passed: 77-23. Record Vote Number: 237Presidential Action: 10/16/2002: Signed by President. Became public law #107-243.
By Douglas Stanglin, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, fresh from a trip to Iraq and Afghanistan, said today that she opposes sending more troops to Iraq and supports instead the phased redeployment of U.S. troops out of Baghdad.
Clinton, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a potential candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, appeared on morning television programs in making her first comments since President Bush announced plans to send 21,500 more troops to Iraq.
"I am for redeploying our troops out of Baghdad and eventually out of Iraq so that we can make sure that they're not in the midst of a civil war," she said on CBS' Early Show.
The senator said that Bush, in his call for U.S. troops to support Iraqi troops in stemming sectarian violence, "failed to put any leverage" on the Iraqi government.
"I don't think begging a government that has shown no willingness to make tough decisions is a strategy," she said on NBC's Today. She said Washington should threaten to cut off funds for Iraqi troops and for the protection of Iraqi leaders if they do not do make political compromises to win broad support.
She said the United States should make it clear to the Iraqi government that "we're not going to fund an army that doesn't show up half the time, that is more aligned with their sectarian position than with the national identity."
She said the Iraqi government is "waiting us out."
"They intend to do everything they can to impose a particular brand of dominance over the Sunnis, and there's no reason for the Sunni insurgency, therefore, to stop," Clinton said.
EDITORIAL NOTE: Senator Clinton belatedly makes a 2 day trip to Iraq, which Senator Obama did long ago, and now is "a seasoned World Affairs expert? Note to Senator Clinton, you didn't need to make a trip to Iraq, except for your photo "ops", to know the Iraq situation is a mess. I look at this opportunistic trip as just that. You needed photos of you in Iraq because you were sadly lacking in understanding and knowledge of what is REALLY happening over there.
One hopes you will give more in depth consideration before saying YES to the President.
YOU voted FOR the invasion, remember? An invasion that cost us in lives of our soldiers, and cost the Iraqi people, common citizens, to be engulfed in a civil war that shows no sign of abating no matter how many troops President Bush sends over there to die.
Use of Military Force Against Iraq
Bill Number: H J Res 114Issue: Military IssuesDate: 10/11/2002
Sponsor:Rep Hastert, Dennis [IL-14]
Roll Call Number: 237Joint Resolution Adopted (Senate)How members voted
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton voted YES.
Read statements Senator Clinton made in this general time period. (note: could find no comment made at the time of the vote by Senator Clinton)
Official Title of Legislation:H J Res 114: To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq.Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:Vote to adopt a joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq. Highlights: - Authorizes President to use United States Armed Forces against Iraq- Requires President to report to Congress no later than 48 hours after military action has started with his determination that diplomatic efforts alone could not protect U.S. national security nor enforce United Nations resolutions regarding Iraq- Requires President to submit a progress report to Congress every 60 days on matters relevant to this resolution House Passage Vote: 10/10/2002: Passed: 296-133 (Roll No. 455)Senate Passage Vote: 10/11/2002: Passed: 77-23. Record Vote Number: 237Presidential Action: 10/16/2002: Signed by President. Became public law #107-243.
By Douglas Stanglin, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, fresh from a trip to Iraq and Afghanistan, said today that she opposes sending more troops to Iraq and supports instead the phased redeployment of U.S. troops out of Baghdad.
Clinton, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a potential candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, appeared on morning television programs in making her first comments since President Bush announced plans to send 21,500 more troops to Iraq.
"I am for redeploying our troops out of Baghdad and eventually out of Iraq so that we can make sure that they're not in the midst of a civil war," she said on CBS' Early Show.
The senator said that Bush, in his call for U.S. troops to support Iraqi troops in stemming sectarian violence, "failed to put any leverage" on the Iraqi government.
"I don't think begging a government that has shown no willingness to make tough decisions is a strategy," she said on NBC's Today. She said Washington should threaten to cut off funds for Iraqi troops and for the protection of Iraqi leaders if they do not do make political compromises to win broad support.
She said the United States should make it clear to the Iraqi government that "we're not going to fund an army that doesn't show up half the time, that is more aligned with their sectarian position than with the national identity."
She said the Iraqi government is "waiting us out."
"They intend to do everything they can to impose a particular brand of dominance over the Sunnis, and there's no reason for the Sunni insurgency, therefore, to stop," Clinton said.
EDITORIAL NOTE: Senator Clinton belatedly makes a 2 day trip to Iraq, which Senator Obama did long ago, and now is "a seasoned World Affairs expert? Note to Senator Clinton, you didn't need to make a trip to Iraq, except for your photo "ops", to know the Iraq situation is a mess. I look at this opportunistic trip as just that. You needed photos of you in Iraq because you were sadly lacking in understanding and knowledge of what is REALLY happening over there.
One hopes you will give more in depth consideration before saying YES to the President.
YOU voted FOR the invasion, remember? An invasion that cost us in lives of our soldiers, and cost the Iraqi people, common citizens, to be engulfed in a civil war that shows no sign of abating no matter how many troops President Bush sends over there to die.
I happened upon comments on the "Huffington Post" where people were stating that Senator Joe Lieberman was a "MENTOR' of Barack Obama, receiving damning comments because of it. This inaccurate information is being spread on the internet by BLOGGERS and is in fact not a factual statement at all. Perhaps they were mislead due to the fact that Senator Obama appeared in Connecticut at a fundraiser for Joe Lieberman's run for the Senate this past election. To understand Senator Obama's appearance, you first need to understand the dynamics occurring in this past election, and the importance Democrats put on winning majority in the House and Senate.
It is common practice for Senators and Representatives alike in BOTH parties, not up for re-election to make appearances in support of the campaigns of those affiliated with their party as they would ask the same when they are running for re-election. In this past election all Representatives were up for re-election, however, the Senate was KEY for the Democrats to win a majority in order to gain control of Congress. There were many key states where funding from the Democratic National Committee was focused, and Senators not up for re-election hit the campaign trail to bolster the campaigns of those they deemed were important Senate races and in need of support.
Unlike Hillary Clinton, Senator Obama was in HIGH demand as a speaker at many fundraisers (which incidentally I feel was important for him to garner support for his Presidential bid). Most Democrats running for Senate lobbied to have Senator Obama come to a fundraising event in their states. Why was he in demand? His popularity and ability to gather larger crowds, thereby raising more money than another speaker would. Connecticut was an important state, one where the Democrat on the ticket was not considered by the majority of Democrats to be their choice, so they elected to help shore up the campaign of Senator Lieberman, as his voice would be an important one in key Senate votes on issues important to us. Senator Lieberman's campaign manager lobbied Senator Obama to appear in Connecticut at a fundraiser. Therefore Senator Obama, on the camaign circuit, did appear and speak at an event in support of Senator Lieberman.
Now I ask you, does a campaign speech therefore conclude that Senator Lieberman is a MENTOR to Senator Obama? Senator Obama has repeatedly stated his willingness to work WITH ALL SIDES on any issue up for discussion in the Senate.
If you research, and read who REALLY is close to Senator Obama (his inner circle), nowhere will you find Joe Lieberman's name. Senator Obama IS cooperating with 2 Republicans and 2 Democrates, Joe Lieberman an Independent is one of them, on the committtee for ethics reform in Congress. This only shows Senator Obama's ability to work within Congress with both parties. He may disagree with them on many issues, but his willingness to hear all sides is a POSITIVE when you look at it and read the facts. But some bloggers seem to take short snippets out of news reports and insert them into their blogs and use it against Senator Obama, as if a campaign stop for a candidate THEY don't like is such a black mark on the reputation of Senator Obama.
As good a tool the Internet is in these days to communicate, witness Senator Obama's announcement being done on the internet, it can at times spread false information which some that read it would believe without doing one second of research in to the facts.
Senator Obama appeared in many states to help campaign and raise funds for Senators running for office this past campaign. You may not like the politics of a Senator who was elected, even though a democrat, but the agreement under the National Democratic Election Committee for sitting Senators to assist the campaigns of others running for office in a KEY election is part of the game and failure to help support a crucial election by failing to help others in your party running for office will leave you adrift next time you are up for re-election, or in this case your campaign for the Presidency.
I suggest that those that would make hasty conclusions based on a bloggers comments, should in fact do their research and find out for themselves more about Senator Obama before believing what is posted by uninformed bloggers.
Editorial note: I have yet in ALL of my research or that of our website team to find a single comment by Senator Obama that he considers Joe Lieberman a "mentor". IF he ever was a mentor, perhaps it was when Senator Obama arrived in Washington as a brand new Senator and wanted to find the bathroom?
It is common practice for Senators and Representatives alike in BOTH parties, not up for re-election to make appearances in support of the campaigns of those affiliated with their party as they would ask the same when they are running for re-election. In this past election all Representatives were up for re-election, however, the Senate was KEY for the Democrats to win a majority in order to gain control of Congress. There were many key states where funding from the Democratic National Committee was focused, and Senators not up for re-election hit the campaign trail to bolster the campaigns of those they deemed were important Senate races and in need of support.
Unlike Hillary Clinton, Senator Obama was in HIGH demand as a speaker at many fundraisers (which incidentally I feel was important for him to garner support for his Presidential bid). Most Democrats running for Senate lobbied to have Senator Obama come to a fundraising event in their states. Why was he in demand? His popularity and ability to gather larger crowds, thereby raising more money than another speaker would. Connecticut was an important state, one where the Democrat on the ticket was not considered by the majority of Democrats to be their choice, so they elected to help shore up the campaign of Senator Lieberman, as his voice would be an important one in key Senate votes on issues important to us. Senator Lieberman's campaign manager lobbied Senator Obama to appear in Connecticut at a fundraiser. Therefore Senator Obama, on the camaign circuit, did appear and speak at an event in support of Senator Lieberman.
Now I ask you, does a campaign speech therefore conclude that Senator Lieberman is a MENTOR to Senator Obama? Senator Obama has repeatedly stated his willingness to work WITH ALL SIDES on any issue up for discussion in the Senate.
If you research, and read who REALLY is close to Senator Obama (his inner circle), nowhere will you find Joe Lieberman's name. Senator Obama IS cooperating with 2 Republicans and 2 Democrates, Joe Lieberman an Independent is one of them, on the committtee for ethics reform in Congress. This only shows Senator Obama's ability to work within Congress with both parties. He may disagree with them on many issues, but his willingness to hear all sides is a POSITIVE when you look at it and read the facts. But some bloggers seem to take short snippets out of news reports and insert them into their blogs and use it against Senator Obama, as if a campaign stop for a candidate THEY don't like is such a black mark on the reputation of Senator Obama.
As good a tool the Internet is in these days to communicate, witness Senator Obama's announcement being done on the internet, it can at times spread false information which some that read it would believe without doing one second of research in to the facts.
Senator Obama appeared in many states to help campaign and raise funds for Senators running for office this past campaign. You may not like the politics of a Senator who was elected, even though a democrat, but the agreement under the National Democratic Election Committee for sitting Senators to assist the campaigns of others running for office in a KEY election is part of the game and failure to help support a crucial election by failing to help others in your party running for office will leave you adrift next time you are up for re-election, or in this case your campaign for the Presidency.
I suggest that those that would make hasty conclusions based on a bloggers comments, should in fact do their research and find out for themselves more about Senator Obama before believing what is posted by uninformed bloggers.
Editorial note: I have yet in ALL of my research or that of our website team to find a single comment by Senator Obama that he considers Joe Lieberman a "mentor". IF he ever was a mentor, perhaps it was when Senator Obama arrived in Washington as a brand new Senator and wanted to find the bathroom?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
SPRINGFIELD, Ill.(AP) Barack Obama plans to formally launch his campaign for president in Springfield, the city where Abraham Lincoln lived and worked before being elected the nation's 16th president.
The announcement would come around Lincoln's birthday and help underscore Obama's hope of positioning himself as a uniter who can rise above partisan bickering. Obama, like Lincoln, served in the Illinois General Assembly in Springfield.
Obama said Tuesday that he has formed an exploratory committee to study a presidential bid and will announce his final decision on Feb. 10.
Illinois Comptroller Dan Hynes, an early advocate of Obama's candidacy, said he has been told the formal announcement is planned for the capital city.
"There's a clear, very significant symbolism there," Hynes said.
Obama, a Democrat, lives in Chicago but may want to avoid reminding voters of that city and its long history of corrupt, insider politics.
An announcement in Springfield would emphasize his legislative experience there and the parallels to Lincoln, who turned a slim political record into a successful presidential campaign and then led the nation through the Civil War.
The city offers several potential backdrops to a presidential announcement: Lincoln's home, his presidential library and the former state capitol where he delivered the famed "house divided" speech.
Obama served eight years in the Illinois Senate before being elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004.
The announcement would come around Lincoln's birthday and help underscore Obama's hope of positioning himself as a uniter who can rise above partisan bickering. Obama, like Lincoln, served in the Illinois General Assembly in Springfield.
Obama said Tuesday that he has formed an exploratory committee to study a presidential bid and will announce his final decision on Feb. 10.
Illinois Comptroller Dan Hynes, an early advocate of Obama's candidacy, said he has been told the formal announcement is planned for the capital city.
"There's a clear, very significant symbolism there," Hynes said.
Obama, a Democrat, lives in Chicago but may want to avoid reminding voters of that city and its long history of corrupt, insider politics.
An announcement in Springfield would emphasize his legislative experience there and the parallels to Lincoln, who turned a slim political record into a successful presidential campaign and then led the nation through the Civil War.
The city offers several potential backdrops to a presidential announcement: Lincoln's home, his presidential library and the former state capitol where he delivered the famed "house divided" speech.
Obama served eight years in the Illinois Senate before being elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004.
Feb 10,
Presidental bid announcement
By NEDRA PICKLER - Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON(AP) Democratic Sen. Barack Obama said Tuesday he is taking the initial step in a presidential bid that could make him the nation's first black to occupy the White House.
Obama announced on his Web site,, that he was filing a presidential exploratory committee. He said he would announce more about his plans in his home state of Illinois on Feb. 10.
"I certainly didn't expect to find myself in this position a year ago," Obama said in a video posting. "I've been struck by how hungry we all are for a different kind of politics. So I've spent some time thinking about how I could best advance the cause of change and progress that we so desperately need."
Obama, a little more than two years into his Senate term, is the most inexperienced candidate considering a run for the Democratic nomination, but nonetheless ranks as a top contender. His appeal on the stump, his unique background, his opposition to the Iraq war and the fact that he is a fresh face set him apart in a competitive race that also is expected to include front-runner Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Other Democrats who have announced a campaign or exploratory committee are 2004 vice presidential nominee John Edwards, former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd and Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich.
Obama tried to turn his biggest weakness _ his lack of experience in national politics _ into an asset.
"The decisions that have been made in Washington these past six years, and the problems that have been ignored, have put our country in a precarious place," he said.
"America's faced big problems before," he said. "But today, our leaders in Washington seem incapable of working together in a practical, commonsense way. Politics has become so bitter and partisan, so gummed up by money and influence, that we can't tackle the big problems that demand solutions."
WASHINGTON(AP) Democratic Sen. Barack Obama said Tuesday he is taking the initial step in a presidential bid that could make him the nation's first black to occupy the White House.
Obama announced on his Web site,, that he was filing a presidential exploratory committee. He said he would announce more about his plans in his home state of Illinois on Feb. 10.
"I certainly didn't expect to find myself in this position a year ago," Obama said in a video posting. "I've been struck by how hungry we all are for a different kind of politics. So I've spent some time thinking about how I could best advance the cause of change and progress that we so desperately need."
Obama, a little more than two years into his Senate term, is the most inexperienced candidate considering a run for the Democratic nomination, but nonetheless ranks as a top contender. His appeal on the stump, his unique background, his opposition to the Iraq war and the fact that he is a fresh face set him apart in a competitive race that also is expected to include front-runner Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Other Democrats who have announced a campaign or exploratory committee are 2004 vice presidential nominee John Edwards, former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd and Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich.
Obama tried to turn his biggest weakness _ his lack of experience in national politics _ into an asset.
"The decisions that have been made in Washington these past six years, and the problems that have been ignored, have put our country in a precarious place," he said.
"America's faced big problems before," he said. "But today, our leaders in Washington seem incapable of working together in a practical, commonsense way. Politics has become so bitter and partisan, so gummed up by money and influence, that we can't tackle the big problems that demand solutions."
By NEDRA PICKLER - Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON(AP) Democratic Sen. Barack Obama said Tuesday he is taking the initial step in a presidential bid that could make him the nation's first black to occupy the White House.
Obama announced on his Web site,, that he was filing a presidential exploratory committee. He said he would announce more about his plans in his home state of Illinois on Feb. 10.
"I certainly didn't expect to find myself in this position a year ago," Obama said in a video posting. "I've been struck by how hungry we all are for a different kind of politics. So I've spent some time thinking about how I could best advance the cause of change and progress that we so desperately need."
Obama, a little more than two years into his Senate term, is the most inexperienced candidate considering a run for the Democratic nomination, but nonetheless ranks as a top contender. His appeal on the stump, his unique background, his opposition to the Iraq war and the fact that he is a fresh face set him apart in a competitive race that also is expected to include front-runner Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Other Democrats who have announced a campaign or exploratory committee are 2004 vice presidential nominee John Edwards, former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd and Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich.
Obama tried to turn his biggest weakness _ his lack of experience in national politics _ into an asset.
"The decisions that have been made in Washington these past six years, and the problems that have been ignored, have put our country in a precarious place," he said.
"America's faced big problems before," he said. "But today, our leaders in Washington seem incapable of working together in a practical, commonsense way. Politics has become so bitter and partisan, so gummed up by money and influence, that we can't tackle the big problems that demand solutions."
Wow, it is an interesting experience learning about Senator Obama. Did you know he actually has a movie credit? I didn't. Yep, he appeared in a documentary called "Tanner on Tanner". The following is a list of other well known names who also were in the documentary in 2004. You can find the DVD here . Listed are the names of those who appeared and the parts they played.
Tanner on Tanner (5-Oct-2004)
Director: Robert Altman
Writer: Garry Trudeau
Keywords: Comedy, Mockumentary
Madeleine Albright
Bill Clinton's Secretary of State
Harry Belafonte
Calypso singer
Carl Bernstein
Broke the Watergate story
Joseph Biden
US Senator from Delaware
Tom Brokaw
Former anchor, NBC Nightly News
Steve Buscemi
Reservoir Dogs
Jimmy Carter
Head of State
39th US President, 1977-81
Max Cleland
US Senator from Georgia, 1997-2003
Bill Clinton
Head of State
42nd US President, 1993-2001
Mario Cuomo
Governor of New York, 1983-95
Gray Davis
Governor of California, 1999-2003
Howard Dean
Chairman of the Democratic Party
Michael Dukakis
Former governor of Massachusetts
Al Franken
Bow-tied pundit and ex-SNL player
Janeane Garofalo
Actor, Comedian, Author, Activist
Dick Gephardt
Congressman from Missouri, 1977-2005
Al Gore
US Vice President under Clinton
Ed Helms
Senior correspondent, The Daily Show
Jesse Jackson
Rainbow Coalition
John Kerry
US Senator from Massachusetts
Joseph Lieberman
US Senator from Connecticut
Chris Matthews
Talk Show Host
Hardball with Chris Matthews
John Cougar Mellencamp
Jack and Diane
Dina Merrill
EF Hutton heiress and actress
Michael Moore
Film Director
Fahrenheit 9/11
Michael Murphy
An Unmarried Woman
Dee Dee Myers
Bill Clinton's press secretary
Cynthia Nixon
Miranda (the redhead) on Sex and the City
Barack Obama
US Senator from Illinois
John Podesta
Ex-Clinton Deputy Chief of Staff
Ron Reagan
Son of Ronald Reagan
Robert Redford
The Sundance Kid
Charlie Rose
Talk Show Host
60 Minutes, Charlie Rose Show
Martin Scorsese
Film Director
Taxi Driver
Al Sharpton
Reverend, Presidential hopeful
Tanner on Tanner (5-Oct-2004)
Director: Robert Altman
Writer: Garry Trudeau
Keywords: Comedy, Mockumentary
Madeleine Albright
Bill Clinton's Secretary of State
Harry Belafonte
Calypso singer
Carl Bernstein
Broke the Watergate story
Joseph Biden
US Senator from Delaware
Tom Brokaw
Former anchor, NBC Nightly News
Steve Buscemi
Reservoir Dogs
Jimmy Carter
Head of State
39th US President, 1977-81
Max Cleland
US Senator from Georgia, 1997-2003
Bill Clinton
Head of State
42nd US President, 1993-2001
Mario Cuomo
Governor of New York, 1983-95
Gray Davis
Governor of California, 1999-2003
Howard Dean
Chairman of the Democratic Party
Michael Dukakis
Former governor of Massachusetts
Al Franken
Bow-tied pundit and ex-SNL player
Janeane Garofalo
Actor, Comedian, Author, Activist
Dick Gephardt
Congressman from Missouri, 1977-2005
Al Gore
US Vice President under Clinton
Ed Helms
Senior correspondent, The Daily Show
Jesse Jackson
Rainbow Coalition
John Kerry
US Senator from Massachusetts
Joseph Lieberman
US Senator from Connecticut
Chris Matthews
Talk Show Host
Hardball with Chris Matthews
John Cougar Mellencamp
Jack and Diane
Dina Merrill
EF Hutton heiress and actress
Michael Moore
Film Director
Fahrenheit 9/11
Michael Murphy
An Unmarried Woman
Dee Dee Myers
Bill Clinton's press secretary
Cynthia Nixon
Miranda (the redhead) on Sex and the City
Barack Obama
US Senator from Illinois
John Podesta
Ex-Clinton Deputy Chief of Staff
Ron Reagan
Son of Ronald Reagan
Robert Redford
The Sundance Kid
Charlie Rose
Talk Show Host
60 Minutes, Charlie Rose Show
Martin Scorsese
Film Director
Taxi Driver
Al Sharpton
Reverend, Presidential hopeful
List this under "gossip"
Inside sources say Senator Obama is expected to announce this week, maybe as soon as tomorrow his formation of his exploratory committee. Interesting to note, Oprah still has not posted who her guest will be on her website, (see, She has made no secret of the fact she fully supports his campaign and it would be an interesting way for Senator Obama to announce he is a candidate, and provide for some question and answers from the audience. It would be a great way for him to show his ability to communicate with an audience and "hit the trail running" as Senator Clinton's politico's here in New York are poised to attack him on all fronts.
I have personally seen Senator Clinton in person "attempting" to be "real" and communicate with we "normal middle class" sort, and I can attest that she comes across as unapproachable and "cold". The contrast between the two is easy to see and their first debate will most certainly be an interesting one. The classy gentleman, gently trying to discuss issues, and Senator Clinton coming across as "hard" and unyielding in her views.
That is the issue I have with Senator Clinton. She is not one to want to listen to others, but rather she has her point of view on issues and sticks to scripted "talking points" while Senator Obama's style is more casual, and he doesn't like to use scripted "talking points", but rather discusses issues in sessions with his team, accepting input from all sides of an issue, forms his opinions, and talks without a script.
I listened yesterday to the news networks and focused in on a discussion on MSNBC about the differences between Senator Clinton and Senator Obama. One "pundit" offered up that Senator Obama has yet to be "vetted". Now, exactly what does THAT mean. They did not explain themselves but showed a hint of where they will attack Senator Obama, the fact he has only been a Senator for 2 years You can be sure the "bloodletting" will begin hard, fast and furious once he makes his announcement, but I have faith in Senator Obama's ability to forthrightly handle any question and I suspect he will respond to attacks with truth and let the people decide.
The only issue I have is the fact, many voters do not read information and true fact about a candidate and pay more attention to "dirty political ads" and as they would a gossip rag, think it is the truth. That is what dirty politics does. They don't want the citizen to find the truth of any attack, they would prefer you believe "sound bites" of 30 or 60 second ads. It is already spreading on the web that Senator Obama is a Muslim, which he is NOT, but his father was who has since passed away. Senator Obama has had an interesting past which he lays out truthfully in his two books.
We in New York know a few dirty little secrets of Senator Clinton, but as Senator Obama says, it is time for a more civil and clean campaign rather than the old time politics of attack. I could post all the info I know about Mrs. Clinton on the web and get the gossip started, but I prefer to take a higher road and discuss her stance on the issues, and the fact I hate the way they have moulded her to fit what they consider a "cookie cutter" candidate. Everything down to the type of shoes she wears is carefully "vetted" to make sure it is in line with "photo op" situations.
You may ask then why did I vote for her re-election as a Senator? Well, they really didn't offer an alternative candidate I agreed with on some issues, and I have to admit, she does make a good senator, exactly because she is so hard and down and dirty. She can go head to head with any man in the Senate which is what we need to get bills passed. However, her weakness is the fact she does not come across as "real" or truly concerned about the neediest of our citizens and to this writer, this is a HUGE weakness I see so far. She does her "photo ops" but she truly does not really seem to bridge the gap between her wealthy lifestyle and a true understanding of the needs of the lower middle class and the poor and homeless.
Inside sources say Senator Obama is expected to announce this week, maybe as soon as tomorrow his formation of his exploratory committee. Interesting to note, Oprah still has not posted who her guest will be on her website, (see, She has made no secret of the fact she fully supports his campaign and it would be an interesting way for Senator Obama to announce he is a candidate, and provide for some question and answers from the audience. It would be a great way for him to show his ability to communicate with an audience and "hit the trail running" as Senator Clinton's politico's here in New York are poised to attack him on all fronts.
I have personally seen Senator Clinton in person "attempting" to be "real" and communicate with we "normal middle class" sort, and I can attest that she comes across as unapproachable and "cold". The contrast between the two is easy to see and their first debate will most certainly be an interesting one. The classy gentleman, gently trying to discuss issues, and Senator Clinton coming across as "hard" and unyielding in her views.
That is the issue I have with Senator Clinton. She is not one to want to listen to others, but rather she has her point of view on issues and sticks to scripted "talking points" while Senator Obama's style is more casual, and he doesn't like to use scripted "talking points", but rather discusses issues in sessions with his team, accepting input from all sides of an issue, forms his opinions, and talks without a script.
I listened yesterday to the news networks and focused in on a discussion on MSNBC about the differences between Senator Clinton and Senator Obama. One "pundit" offered up that Senator Obama has yet to be "vetted". Now, exactly what does THAT mean. They did not explain themselves but showed a hint of where they will attack Senator Obama, the fact he has only been a Senator for 2 years You can be sure the "bloodletting" will begin hard, fast and furious once he makes his announcement, but I have faith in Senator Obama's ability to forthrightly handle any question and I suspect he will respond to attacks with truth and let the people decide.
The only issue I have is the fact, many voters do not read information and true fact about a candidate and pay more attention to "dirty political ads" and as they would a gossip rag, think it is the truth. That is what dirty politics does. They don't want the citizen to find the truth of any attack, they would prefer you believe "sound bites" of 30 or 60 second ads. It is already spreading on the web that Senator Obama is a Muslim, which he is NOT, but his father was who has since passed away. Senator Obama has had an interesting past which he lays out truthfully in his two books.
We in New York know a few dirty little secrets of Senator Clinton, but as Senator Obama says, it is time for a more civil and clean campaign rather than the old time politics of attack. I could post all the info I know about Mrs. Clinton on the web and get the gossip started, but I prefer to take a higher road and discuss her stance on the issues, and the fact I hate the way they have moulded her to fit what they consider a "cookie cutter" candidate. Everything down to the type of shoes she wears is carefully "vetted" to make sure it is in line with "photo op" situations.
You may ask then why did I vote for her re-election as a Senator? Well, they really didn't offer an alternative candidate I agreed with on some issues, and I have to admit, she does make a good senator, exactly because she is so hard and down and dirty. She can go head to head with any man in the Senate which is what we need to get bills passed. However, her weakness is the fact she does not come across as "real" or truly concerned about the neediest of our citizens and to this writer, this is a HUGE weakness I see so far. She does her "photo ops" but she truly does not really seem to bridge the gap between her wealthy lifestyle and a true understanding of the needs of the lower middle class and the poor and homeless.

I found this interesting article while browsing the web. I thought it might be interesting reading. Edward Norton is reported to be a huge supporter of Senator Obama and has reportedly stated he would campaign vigorously for the candidate. Expect to see him on the campaign trail along with other high profile Hollywood types. The article was written on 12/21 but hits the mark in their speculation of a Senator Obama run for President. An interesting read.
Barack Obama: Ready for Close-Up
By Roger Friedman (Fox News)
Barack Obama is a senator, a bestselling author and a possible candidate for the presidency of the United States.
So it only makes sense that movie star is the next career he has to conquer.
Sources tell me that Obama has been filmed for months and will continue to be, all part of a project to make him the star of a documentary about himself.
The filmmaker, I’m told, is Amy Rice, a freelance cinematographer who’s been following Obama around for some time.
Barack Obama is a senator, a bestselling author and a possible candidate for the presidency of the United States.
So it only makes sense that movie star is the next career he has to conquer.
Sources tell me that Obama has been filmed for months and will continue to be, all part of a project to make him the star of a documentary about himself.
The filmmaker, I’m told, is Amy Rice, a freelance cinematographer who’s been following Obama around for some time.
The filmmaker, I’m told, is Amy Rice, a freelance cinematographer who’s been following Obama around for some time.
Rice, from Oklahoma City, lost her brother David, an investment banker, in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11. Her brother Andrew Rice worked for the BBC out of Canada at the time.
But after Sept. 11, according to published reports, Andrew Rice became politicized. This year he ran as a Democratic candidate for the Oklahoma State Senate District 46 seat vacated by Sen. Bernest Cain — and won. His campaign was helped because the Rices’ father, Hugh, is a prominent Oklahoma City attorney.
Rice, from Oklahoma City, lost her brother David, an investment banker, in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11. Her brother Andrew Rice worked for the BBC out of Canada at the time.
But after Sept. 11, according to published reports, Andrew Rice became politicized. This year he ran as a Democratic candidate for the Oklahoma State Senate District 46 seat vacated by Sen. Bernest Cain — and won. His campaign was helped because the Rices’ father, Hugh, is a prominent Oklahoma City attorney.
What kind of makes Amy Rice’s story even more interesting is that apparently the knockout blonde’s backer on the project is said to be actor Edward Norton, the Oscar nominee and current star of "The Painted Veil."
Norton isn’t her only actor friend. Last year, Rice was photographed at a red carpet premiere as the date of Ron Eldard, former boyfriend of Julianna Margulies.
Amy’s New York friends have also kicked in for her brother. Last March, Norton and a bunch of New York-based “next generation” actors including Paul Rudd, Janeane Garofalo and Fred Weller held a fundraiser for Andrew Rice at a Manhattan watering hole.
It’s good to have friends in the right places, since few would-be Oklahoma state senators get such treatment in either party. Or, make that none.
Norton isn’t her only actor friend. Last year, Rice was photographed at a red carpet premiere as the date of Ron Eldard, former boyfriend of Julianna Margulies.
Amy’s New York friends have also kicked in for her brother. Last March, Norton and a bunch of New York-based “next generation” actors including Paul Rudd, Janeane Garofalo and Fred Weller held a fundraiser for Andrew Rice at a Manhattan watering hole.
It’s good to have friends in the right places, since few would-be Oklahoma state senators get such treatment in either party. Or, make that none.
So stay tuned, because Barack Obama may yet get his own “Inconvenient Truth.” And thanks to his filmmaker, he may pick up a whole cadre of Hollywood types at the same time
Monday, January 15, 2007
Obama a hit as he honors MLK; no presidential announcement
Associated Press Writer
Published January 15, 2007, 10:00 AM CST
CHICAGO -- Sen. Barack Obama was a hit Monday at a Rainbow/PUSH Coalition breakfast honoring Martin Luther King Jr. even if he didn't deliver what much of the crowd clearly wanted: a declaration that he will run for president.
He emphasized later that he was "not making news today."
Obama received a standing ovation at the annual King scholarship breakfast when the Rev. Jesse Jackson introduced him with an approving reference to the Illinois Democrat's presidential aspirations.
"It's a long, nonstop line between the march in Selma in 1965 and the inauguration in Washington in 2009," said Jackson, the coalition's founder and a one-time presidential candidate himself.
Obama said thinking of the slain civil rights leader's life was humbling, and added: "I've gotten a little attention lately, but the fact of the matter is all I do is stand on the shoulders of others."
He noted that King was six years younger than he is now when he was assassinated in 1968 at age 39.
"Whatever challenges we face are nothing like the challenges our parents and grandparents faced," Obama said. "The torch has been passed to this generation, but we haven't always taken it up. We haven't pushed the boundaries of what is possible. We have much more work to do."
The crowd enthusiastically applauded and cheered his remarks.
Later, in an address at a King remembrance service at St. Mark's Church in suburban Harvey, Obama said: "I'm not making news today. I'm not here to make news. There will be a time for that."
The first-term senator has gained national attention since 2005 when he was sworn into office. He recently has made appearances in key primary states and according to several Democrats, he also has hired policy, research and press staff for a campaign to be run from Chicago.
On CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, Obama said he'll announce a decision about whether to launch a presidential bid "fairly soon."
Associated Press Writer
Published January 15, 2007, 10:00 AM CST
CHICAGO -- Sen. Barack Obama was a hit Monday at a Rainbow/PUSH Coalition breakfast honoring Martin Luther King Jr. even if he didn't deliver what much of the crowd clearly wanted: a declaration that he will run for president.
He emphasized later that he was "not making news today."
Obama received a standing ovation at the annual King scholarship breakfast when the Rev. Jesse Jackson introduced him with an approving reference to the Illinois Democrat's presidential aspirations.
"It's a long, nonstop line between the march in Selma in 1965 and the inauguration in Washington in 2009," said Jackson, the coalition's founder and a one-time presidential candidate himself.
Obama said thinking of the slain civil rights leader's life was humbling, and added: "I've gotten a little attention lately, but the fact of the matter is all I do is stand on the shoulders of others."
He noted that King was six years younger than he is now when he was assassinated in 1968 at age 39.
"Whatever challenges we face are nothing like the challenges our parents and grandparents faced," Obama said. "The torch has been passed to this generation, but we haven't always taken it up. We haven't pushed the boundaries of what is possible. We have much more work to do."
The crowd enthusiastically applauded and cheered his remarks.
Later, in an address at a King remembrance service at St. Mark's Church in suburban Harvey, Obama said: "I'm not making news today. I'm not here to make news. There will be a time for that."
The first-term senator has gained national attention since 2005 when he was sworn into office. He recently has made appearances in key primary states and according to several Democrats, he also has hired policy, research and press staff for a campaign to be run from Chicago.
On CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, Obama said he'll announce a decision about whether to launch a presidential bid "fairly soon."

MSNBC is reporting that "inside" sources are stating that Senator Barack Obama will be announcing the formation of his "exploratory" committe for his run for the Presidency this week. ( Filing of these papers are a requirement so that Senator Obama may begin accepting donations for his campaign.)
With his speech today in the suburbs of Chicago at a Baptist church celebrating MLK day, this looks like a lead up to Senator Obama's announcement. Where and when the announcement will be made is still unknown. Curious to note, the Wednesday Oprah show still shows a TBA for who will be her guest on that particular show. Being that Oprah is a huge supporter of Senator Obama and has encouraged him to run it would not surprise this writer if she invites the Senator on her show this week while he is in Chicago. A more likely scenerio would be an announcement at the location of where his campaign headquarters will be located in Chicago.
This writer eagerly awaits the announcement. Stay tuned folks......
With his speech today in the suburbs of Chicago at a Baptist church celebrating MLK day, this looks like a lead up to Senator Obama's announcement. Where and when the announcement will be made is still unknown. Curious to note, the Wednesday Oprah show still shows a TBA for who will be her guest on that particular show. Being that Oprah is a huge supporter of Senator Obama and has encouraged him to run it would not surprise this writer if she invites the Senator on her show this week while he is in Chicago. A more likely scenerio would be an announcement at the location of where his campaign headquarters will be located in Chicago.
This writer eagerly awaits the announcement. Stay tuned folks......
(I found this wonderful video by a great organization which I think is appropriate to showcase today)
Sunday, January 14, 2007

I once read an article Barack Obama wrote called “What I see in Lincoln’s eyes”. This article stayed in my thoughts and I began to think about what I saw in Barack Obama’s eyes.
His face when serious has a thoughtful look in his eyes. At times, hours of work show the tiredness etched in the lines of his face. It is an entirely different look then when he smiles. The serious Barack has a faraway look in his eyes, showing him deep in thought as he measures his words as if he was thinking about his words as he said them.
When he smiles, the twinkle springs up into his eyes, showing joy and happiness in his work. The smile is broad, crinkling up his face into a look of happiness and may I say it, fun? Is there such a thing as a serious minded man, in a position of political power who can be fun? Barack Obama can. I am beginning to think he can be anything he wants to be.
This serious minded man is one who looks to understand all sides of an argument, deeply exploring all aspects before speaking. You see it in his serious face, the one with the thoughtful eyes.
When I looked at the serious minded man, I gain a sense of trust for this is not a man to act hastily or without deep thought. It reassures and at the same time instills hope. When he speaks it is as if he is speaking directly to you and not to the multitude giving you a sense of what ever walk in life you belong, he would sit down with you and answer your questions in a direct truthful way.
I see honesty and integrity in these eyes of this man, yet in his smile I see the joy in his work and family and his life.
There is a sense about this man of future greatness. An instinct one feels when you look in those eyes that here is a man for the time.
What I see in Obama’s eyes? I see hope, hope for all of us in the future of our country. This brings excitement to my soul and a sense we are witnessing another chapter in our glorious history in this country.
The comparison between Lincoln and Obama is profound. Though Obama is a highly educated man, they both had that ability to instill in others a feeling of trust and integrity. They both faced a country in turmoil, yet thoughtfully examined each issue, hearing from all before making a decision. This is democracy in action. As I compare the two pictures of Lincoln and Obama, you can see the same lines in the face, and the same serious eyes,
I look to the future of our country and feel the promise on the horizon that awaits us with Obama as our President leading us to work together to solve our country’s problems and restoring the reputation of our country in the world community. This is the promise I see in Obama’s eyes. The promise of our future.
I once read an article Barack Obama wrote called “What I see in Lincoln’s eyes”. This article stayed in my thoughts and I began to think about what I saw in Barack Obama’s eyes.
His face when serious has a thoughtful look in his eyes. At times, hours of work show the tiredness etched in the lines of his face. It is an entirely different look then when he smiles. The serious Barack has a faraway look in his eyes, showing him deep in thought as he measures his words as if he was thinking about his words as he said them.
When he smiles, the twinkle springs up into his eyes, showing joy and happiness in his work. The smile is broad, crinkling up his face into a look of happiness and may I say it, fun? Is there such a thing as a serious minded man, in a position of political power who can be fun? Barack Obama can. I am beginning to think he can be anything he wants to be.
This serious minded man is one who looks to understand all sides of an argument, deeply exploring all aspects before speaking. You see it in his serious face, the one with the thoughtful eyes.
When I looked at the serious minded man, I gain a sense of trust for this is not a man to act hastily or without deep thought. It reassures and at the same time instills hope. When he speaks it is as if he is speaking directly to you and not to the multitude giving you a sense of what ever walk in life you belong, he would sit down with you and answer your questions in a direct truthful way.
I see honesty and integrity in these eyes of this man, yet in his smile I see the joy in his work and family and his life.
There is a sense about this man of future greatness. An instinct one feels when you look in those eyes that here is a man for the time.
What I see in Obama’s eyes? I see hope, hope for all of us in the future of our country. This brings excitement to my soul and a sense we are witnessing another chapter in our glorious history in this country.
The comparison between Lincoln and Obama is profound. Though Obama is a highly educated man, they both had that ability to instill in others a feeling of trust and integrity. They both faced a country in turmoil, yet thoughtfully examined each issue, hearing from all before making a decision. This is democracy in action. As I compare the two pictures of Lincoln and Obama, you can see the same lines in the face, and the same serious eyes,
I look to the future of our country and feel the promise on the horizon that awaits us with Obama as our President leading us to work together to solve our country’s problems and restoring the reputation of our country in the world community. This is the promise I see in Obama’s eyes. The promise of our future.
Obama attracts big-bucks fund-raiser
January 14, 2007
BY CAROL MARIN Sun-Times Columnist
In star-struck, political America where Barack Obama is a supernova, other superstars can slip by unnoticed. See the guy in the picture? The one with the white hair and the Walter Matthau eyes?
If you want to be president of the United States, he is the one you want to call before you even talk it over with your own mother.
Louis Susman is his name. He lives in Chicago. And at this moment, he is ready to do whatever Illinois Sen. Barack Obama needs him to do to take the White House in 2008. If Obama is running (and he is), then Susman will be pivotal to raising the cash.
READ MORE......... Chicago Sun Times
January 14, 2007
BY CAROL MARIN Sun-Times Columnist
In star-struck, political America where Barack Obama is a supernova, other superstars can slip by unnoticed. See the guy in the picture? The one with the white hair and the Walter Matthau eyes?
If you want to be president of the United States, he is the one you want to call before you even talk it over with your own mother.
Louis Susman is his name. He lives in Chicago. And at this moment, he is ready to do whatever Illinois Sen. Barack Obama needs him to do to take the White House in 2008. If Obama is running (and he is), then Susman will be pivotal to raising the cash.
READ MORE......... Chicago Sun Times

Meet Obama's inner circle
Ahead of likely presidential campaign, senator relies on core of trusted advisers
By Mike Dorning and Christi Parsons Tribune staff reporterJanuary 14, 2007 WASHINGTON --
Ahead of likely presidential campaign, senator relies on core of trusted advisers
By Mike Dorning and Christi Parsons Tribune staff reporterJanuary 14, 2007 WASHINGTON --
The gravitational pull around Sen. Barack Obama grows stronger day by day, as he and his advisers seek commitments from political operatives and donors in preparation for a likely run for the presidency.The existing core of advisers around the Illinois Democrat simultaneously anchors him in the pragmatic sensibility of his urban Midwestern home base and encompasses the world of ideas of his Harvard Law School classmates.The political professionals who are Obama's closest formal advisers are careful, deliberate counselors, wary of unnecessary risks and no strangers to campaign street fights. The informal coterie is a multihued collection of high achievers, men and women who are friends and intellectual peers.There's David Axelrod, the strategist at Obama's right hand, perhaps the best-known Democratic consultant working outside of Washington, D.C., equally adept at sensing the right metaphor for high-minded aspirations and at finding the vulnerable spot to savage an opponent.Then, Robert Gibbs, communications director, a campaign veteran described by one Democratic operative--approvingly--as "Northern ruthlessness and Southern charm combined."Key players also include friends of Obama's, among them a straight-talking veteran of Chicago Democratic circles, Valerie Jarrett, and a group of South Side professionals.
Perhaps most influential is his wife, Michelle, a formidable daughter of the South Side who is an alumna of the Ivy League and Chicago's rough-and-tumble City Hall. She may not be in on all the conference calls or offer her own health plan in the style of former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton but no one else in the inner circle denies that she would be a driving force in any presidential campaign.
At the center is a 45-year-old political phenomenon who close associates say is prepared both to challenge the views he hears from advisers and to be challenged by them."He really wants to know all the points of view in the room. He doesn't want to shut people down or force a consensus," said Michael Froman, an informal Obama adviser who was a Harvard Law classmate and chief of staff to former Treasury Secretary Bob Rubin.Obama "pushes back" in those conversations, said Jarrett, a friend of both Obamas whose dining room table in Hyde Park has sometimes been the setting for consultations. He's intent on thinking through ideas thoroughly, she said.
The senator periodically assembles informal advisers and his senior Senate staff for freewheeling evening sessions to set strategy and appraise his performance. In November, it was a four-hour gathering with stacks of takeout pizza boxes on a conference room table to talk over the senator's future.Obama and Axelrod speak almost every day. But Obama also often reaches out directly to friends for advice, by e-mail or telephone. Sometimes, the conversations are leisurely. But lately they are mostly quick and compressed, snatched by cell phone as he moves between committee hearings or during downtime in a car traveling from event to event.Though Obama hasn't announced a run for the White House, he and his advisers are working so intently to put the pieces in place that operatives are starting to tell Obama's likely rivals they are unable to work for those candidates because they are otherwise engaged.Associates say Obama has settled on Chicago as the headquarters for a national campaign. Donors and fundraisers are being asked to make commitments, and the nascent operation is pulling in staffers and consultants from throughout the nation.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
By DEB RIECHMANN - Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON(AP) President Bush on Saturday challenged lawmakers skeptical of his new Iraq plan to propose their own strategy for stopping the violence in Baghdad.
Editorial comment:
Well Mr. President, prior to your announced new startegy, you had a multitude of people who had advised you and you ignored them. The generals on the ground that disagreed with your plan, you fired and you hired new generals who agreed with you. You failed to even consider the report submitted which you and congress commissioned regarding the Iraq status and NOW you demand those that critize you come up with their own plan? And if they did, would you back down and heed their recommendations and implement their plans? I doubt it sir. You have shown time and time again that you will listen to no one. Your stubborn "folly" that you know what is best to do has only brought ruin on the country of Iraq, killed sons and daughters of US citizens, and left us in the middle of a civil war in Iraq which is between RELIGIOUS SECTS and is centuries old and yet you feel YOU sir are the one to fix the problem? We are sick and tired of you forcing the citizens of the United States to follow you into a no win situation.
What a rediculous statement you made today on the radio. Before we even invaded Iraq you were warned by very experienced generals and those with knowledge of the issues, that this invasion would lock our country into a war that would have no end, yet you orchestrate your "photo op" on the carrier with you in your flight suit, over 3 years ago, stating, We Have Won!.
Sir, we have won nothing but more death and turmoil. Deterioration of a country filled with citizens who have the right to live even a poor decent life, but a right to live, yet can't even go to school without some death squad dressed up as Iraqi police officers shooting them if their papers indicate they are of a different religion then they are. It is madness over there and you dare to state that those that disagree with you should come up with a better plan. Sure, like you would say, okay, let's go with that plan. You have shown over and over and over that you will listen to no one. You call yourself the DECIDER and STAY THE COURSE and continue on sending our troops into Baghdad to be killed so you can stay there in the White House and look like you are working hard to fix the problem. WE DON'T BELIEVE A WORD YOU SAY ANYMORE, Mr. President. Get It?
WASHINGTON(AP) President Bush on Saturday challenged lawmakers skeptical of his new Iraq plan to propose their own strategy for stopping the violence in Baghdad.
Editorial comment:
Well Mr. President, prior to your announced new startegy, you had a multitude of people who had advised you and you ignored them. The generals on the ground that disagreed with your plan, you fired and you hired new generals who agreed with you. You failed to even consider the report submitted which you and congress commissioned regarding the Iraq status and NOW you demand those that critize you come up with their own plan? And if they did, would you back down and heed their recommendations and implement their plans? I doubt it sir. You have shown time and time again that you will listen to no one. Your stubborn "folly" that you know what is best to do has only brought ruin on the country of Iraq, killed sons and daughters of US citizens, and left us in the middle of a civil war in Iraq which is between RELIGIOUS SECTS and is centuries old and yet you feel YOU sir are the one to fix the problem? We are sick and tired of you forcing the citizens of the United States to follow you into a no win situation.
What a rediculous statement you made today on the radio. Before we even invaded Iraq you were warned by very experienced generals and those with knowledge of the issues, that this invasion would lock our country into a war that would have no end, yet you orchestrate your "photo op" on the carrier with you in your flight suit, over 3 years ago, stating, We Have Won!.
Sir, we have won nothing but more death and turmoil. Deterioration of a country filled with citizens who have the right to live even a poor decent life, but a right to live, yet can't even go to school without some death squad dressed up as Iraqi police officers shooting them if their papers indicate they are of a different religion then they are. It is madness over there and you dare to state that those that disagree with you should come up with a better plan. Sure, like you would say, okay, let's go with that plan. You have shown over and over and over that you will listen to no one. You call yourself the DECIDER and STAY THE COURSE and continue on sending our troops into Baghdad to be killed so you can stay there in the White House and look like you are working hard to fix the problem. WE DON'T BELIEVE A WORD YOU SAY ANYMORE, Mr. President. Get It?
Senator Obama is making a speech in the subarbs of Chicago on MLK day, and just so happens, Oprah is holding Wednesday, the 17th open. If you check her website, it's TBA. Hmmmm, Very interesting. I don't like to speculate, but do know she is urging Senator Obama to run, and is a huge supporter of his. This "may" be the week we have been waiting for. Ahhhhh, wishful thinking maybe?
While most of our attention at this time is focused on "Bush's Folly" in the step up of troops to Iraq and the serious issues related to what is happening currently in Iraq, and rightly so, It is also extremely important for all of us in examining a candidate for serious consideration for your vote to be President of the United States to examine their record and stance on issues that affect the lives of all US citizens. I will attempt between all the other news, and discussion, to provide information on Senator Obama's record and his stated opinions on issues of concern to all of us. Education is of course a major concern not only to families across the country, but also to college students and soon to be teachers who want to know how he feels on issues of concern to them. I chose Education to begin with but you can also download a "position paper" on Iraq from our Website at We will attempt to provide additional position papers as we work on the website for you to download and read.
Guarantee affordable life-long, top-notch education. (Jun 2006)
Sponsored legislations that recruit and reward good teachers. (Sep 2004)
Provide decent funding and get rid of anti-intellectualism. (Jul 2004)
Address the growing achievement gap between students. (May 2004)
Will add 25,000 teachers in high-need areas. (May 2004)
Supports charter schools and private investment in schools. (Jul 1998)
Free public college for any student with B-average. (Jul 1998)
Voted YES on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". (Oct 2005)
Voted YES on $5B for grants to local educational agencies. (Oct 2005)
Voted YES on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. (Mar 2005)
Barack Obama on Education
Democratic Jr Senator (IL); previously State Senator
Guarantee affordable life-long, top-notch education We've got a story to tell that isn't just against something but is for something. We know that we're the party of opportunity. We know that in a global economy that's more connective and more competitive that we're the party that will guarantee every American an affordable, world-class, life-long, top-notch education, from early childhood to high school--from college to on-the-job training. We know that that's what we're about.
Source: Annual 2006 Take Back America Conference Jun 14, 2006
Sponsored legislations that recruit and reward good teachers Obama co-sponsored legislation to create a National Teaching Academy of Chicago that recruits, prepares and develops quality teachers for high-need urban school districts. He co-sponsored legislation that created the Future Teacher Corps Scholarships to provide financial aid for undergraduate & graduate students studying to become teachers. He was chief sponsor of a bill creating the Certified Teacher Retention Bonus Program that provides grants to reward high quality teachers in low performing schools.
Source: Campaign website,, "On the Issues" Sep 28, 2004
Provide decent funding and get rid of anti-intellectualism I try to avoid an either/or approach to solving the problems of this country. There are questions of individual responsibility and questions of societal responsibility to be dealt with. The best example is an education. I'm going to insist that we've got decent funding, enough teachers, and computers in the classroom, but unless you turn off the television set and get over a certain anti-intellectualism that I think pervades some low-income communities, our children are not going to achieve.
Source: Meet The Press, NBC News Jul 25, 2004
Address the growing achievement gap between students Our public education system is the key to opportunity for millions of children and families. It needs to be the best in the world. Of particular concern is the growing achievement gap between middle and low-income students, which has continued to expand despite some overall national achievement gains.
Source: Campaign website, May 2, 2004
Will add 25,000 teachers in high-need areas Obama will fight for full funding for Head Start and expanded pre-school, so every child starts school ready to learn.ΓΏ He has proposed a national network of teaching academies to add 25,000 new teachers to high-need urban and rural schools. And, he will work to send deserving students to college through loan programs that help middle-class families instead of banks.
Source: Campaign website,, ?On The Issues? May 2, 2004
Supports charter schools and private investment in schools
Principles that Obama supports on education:
Increase state funds for professional development of public school teachers and administrators.
Encourage private or corporate investment in public school programs.
Favor charter schools where independent groups receive state authorization and funding to establish new schools.
Increase state funds for school construction and facility maintenance.
Source: 1998 IL State Legislative National Political Awareness Test Jul 2, 1998
Free public college for any student with B-average
Principles that Obama supports on education funding:
Fund public school education in Illinois by increasing certain state taxes and decreasing local property taxes.
Provide state-funded tuition and fees to any Illinois student who attends a public college or university as long as they maintain a B average.
Source: 1998 IL State Legislative National Political Awareness Test Jul 2, 1998
Voted YES on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". To increase appropriations for after-school programs through 21st century community learning centers. Voting YES would increase funding by $51.9 million for after school programs run by the 21st century community learning centers and would decrease funding by $51.9 million for salaries and expenses in the Department of Labor.
Reference: Amendment to Agencies Appropriations Act; Bill S Amdt 2287 to HR 3010 ; vote number 2005-279 on Oct 27, 2005
Voted YES on $5B for grants to local educational agencies. To provide an additional $5 billion for title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Voting YES would provide:
$2.5 billion for targeting grants to local educational agencies
$2.5 billion for education finance incentive grants
Reference: Elementary and Secondary Education Amendment; Bill S Amdt 2275 to HR 3010 ; vote number 2005-269 on Oct 26, 2005
Voted YES on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. Vote to adopt an amendment to the Senate's 2006 Fiscal Year Budget Resolution that would adjust education funding while still reducing the deficit by $5.4 billion. A YES vote would:
Restore education program cuts slated for vocational education, adult education, GEAR UP, and TRIO.
Increase the maximum Pell Grant scholarship to $4,500 immediately.
Increases future math and science teacher student loan forgiveness to $23,000.
Pay for the education funding by closing $10.8 billion in corporate tax loopholes.
Guarantee affordable life-long, top-notch education. (Jun 2006)
Sponsored legislations that recruit and reward good teachers. (Sep 2004)
Provide decent funding and get rid of anti-intellectualism. (Jul 2004)
Address the growing achievement gap between students. (May 2004)
Will add 25,000 teachers in high-need areas. (May 2004)
Supports charter schools and private investment in schools. (Jul 1998)
Free public college for any student with B-average. (Jul 1998)
Voted YES on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". (Oct 2005)
Voted YES on $5B for grants to local educational agencies. (Oct 2005)
Voted YES on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. (Mar 2005)
Barack Obama on Education
Democratic Jr Senator (IL); previously State Senator
Guarantee affordable life-long, top-notch education We've got a story to tell that isn't just against something but is for something. We know that we're the party of opportunity. We know that in a global economy that's more connective and more competitive that we're the party that will guarantee every American an affordable, world-class, life-long, top-notch education, from early childhood to high school--from college to on-the-job training. We know that that's what we're about.
Source: Annual 2006 Take Back America Conference Jun 14, 2006
Sponsored legislations that recruit and reward good teachers Obama co-sponsored legislation to create a National Teaching Academy of Chicago that recruits, prepares and develops quality teachers for high-need urban school districts. He co-sponsored legislation that created the Future Teacher Corps Scholarships to provide financial aid for undergraduate & graduate students studying to become teachers. He was chief sponsor of a bill creating the Certified Teacher Retention Bonus Program that provides grants to reward high quality teachers in low performing schools.
Source: Campaign website,, "On the Issues" Sep 28, 2004
Provide decent funding and get rid of anti-intellectualism I try to avoid an either/or approach to solving the problems of this country. There are questions of individual responsibility and questions of societal responsibility to be dealt with. The best example is an education. I'm going to insist that we've got decent funding, enough teachers, and computers in the classroom, but unless you turn off the television set and get over a certain anti-intellectualism that I think pervades some low-income communities, our children are not going to achieve.
Source: Meet The Press, NBC News Jul 25, 2004
Address the growing achievement gap between students Our public education system is the key to opportunity for millions of children and families. It needs to be the best in the world. Of particular concern is the growing achievement gap between middle and low-income students, which has continued to expand despite some overall national achievement gains.
Source: Campaign website, May 2, 2004
Will add 25,000 teachers in high-need areas Obama will fight for full funding for Head Start and expanded pre-school, so every child starts school ready to learn.ΓΏ He has proposed a national network of teaching academies to add 25,000 new teachers to high-need urban and rural schools. And, he will work to send deserving students to college through loan programs that help middle-class families instead of banks.
Source: Campaign website,, ?On The Issues? May 2, 2004
Supports charter schools and private investment in schools
Principles that Obama supports on education:
Increase state funds for professional development of public school teachers and administrators.
Encourage private or corporate investment in public school programs.
Favor charter schools where independent groups receive state authorization and funding to establish new schools.
Increase state funds for school construction and facility maintenance.
Source: 1998 IL State Legislative National Political Awareness Test Jul 2, 1998
Free public college for any student with B-average
Principles that Obama supports on education funding:
Fund public school education in Illinois by increasing certain state taxes and decreasing local property taxes.
Provide state-funded tuition and fees to any Illinois student who attends a public college or university as long as they maintain a B average.
Source: 1998 IL State Legislative National Political Awareness Test Jul 2, 1998
Voted YES on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". To increase appropriations for after-school programs through 21st century community learning centers. Voting YES would increase funding by $51.9 million for after school programs run by the 21st century community learning centers and would decrease funding by $51.9 million for salaries and expenses in the Department of Labor.
Reference: Amendment to Agencies Appropriations Act; Bill S Amdt 2287 to HR 3010 ; vote number 2005-279 on Oct 27, 2005
Voted YES on $5B for grants to local educational agencies. To provide an additional $5 billion for title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Voting YES would provide:
$2.5 billion for targeting grants to local educational agencies
$2.5 billion for education finance incentive grants
Reference: Elementary and Secondary Education Amendment; Bill S Amdt 2275 to HR 3010 ; vote number 2005-269 on Oct 26, 2005
Voted YES on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. Vote to adopt an amendment to the Senate's 2006 Fiscal Year Budget Resolution that would adjust education funding while still reducing the deficit by $5.4 billion. A YES vote would:
Restore education program cuts slated for vocational education, adult education, GEAR UP, and TRIO.
Increase the maximum Pell Grant scholarship to $4,500 immediately.
Increases future math and science teacher student loan forgiveness to $23,000.
Pay for the education funding by closing $10.8 billion in corporate tax loopholes.
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